During our annual review of the HACCP plan, I also review and validate the CCP's.
We also do this for any changes we may have, be it processing, packaging or ingredient.
Dear Caz
As a standard practice, for
CCP-validation we have to proof by some valid means that the monitoring method, the frequency, the limits, the corrective actions etc. are able to produce safe food. The valid means may be scientific literature, practical expedience, experimental data, challenge tests, modeling programs, etc.
I think if we have satisfactory verification results throughout the year with no internal changes, no new scientific research etc, there would be no need to re-validate the
CCP, especially if it involves expensive experiments/test or modeling. Once a method, frequency, the limit or action is proved to be valid for controlling a particular hazard or a combination of hazards it will continually be valid forever until and unless :
1- Any influencing factor is changed. (such as change in raw material)
2- Or the Source or Reference of validation process is changed (such as advancement in scientific research).
Referring to the comments of Madam A. D-tor related to clause 2.13.2, I came to this conclusion that irrespective of any internal or external changes we have to review HCCP plan (not for
CCP validation but) to reassure ourselves that all things are going on as planned -and- to incorporate new ideas to improve the effectiveness of the plan.