I am a huge fan of the chinese dish after tasting it at a restaurant in Chinatown. And since, I love the dish so much, I have decided to use it for my HACCP study for catering establishments.
There have been alot of issues lately like that of our local government here regulating imports from frozen ducks from indonesia, japan and china in relation to the
safety of peking ducks and alot of contradicting articles too whether or not it is safe to prepare it the traditional way or through the recommendations of the USFDA. (traditional methods leave the duck to hang at room temperature for 5-6h). An article on one website even mentioned that the bird flu virus still existed at the duck even in its frozen state. Since viruses usually need a living source to attach to, is this also possible? The California government has allowed ducks to be prepared the traditional way but with some guidelines after testing a sample microbiologically.
Just curious though, is it really safe or not?
Would appreciate studies or related articles that can prove that it is safe to do it the traditional way (mostly due to pH and acidity related marinades).
to our good health and food safety! cheers guys!
Edited by althene, 27 February 2011 - 02:07 AM.