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Wood Bin SSOP

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Posted 05 January 2012 - 12:10 AM

Hi Fellow Members,

I am new to the dried fruit industry and would like some guidance on cleaning procedures for food contact wooden bins. How can I verify that the wood containers were clean/sanitized prior to filling with dried fruit and then shipping to our facility? Is there any way to track the bins? I plan to audit the facility and their practices but I have no idea what practices are best in this case!

I am not used to wood in processing facilities, so any information on this would be greatly appreciated.


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Madam A. D-tor

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 06:09 AM

Dear bbrennantbf,

It is a good question. Which I am ashamed, never thought of it.
I suppose the wooden containers and bins are not cleaned at all or just sweeped/brushed.
Cleaning and sanitising with water will certainly contain a risk to the products, if these were not totally dry before product goes in.
Maybe cleaned with air?

I hope someone else can answer your question.

i am interested in your findings from your visit to the facility. Please share your experience with us.

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Kind Regards,

Madam A. D-tor

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Posted 11 January 2012 - 10:36 PM

Hi Fellow Members,

I am new to the dried fruit industry and would like some guidance on cleaning procedures for food contact wooden bins. How can I verify that the wood containers were clean/sanitized prior to filling with dried fruit and then shipping to our facility? Is there any way to track the bins? I plan to audit the facility and their practices but I have no idea what practices are best in this case!

I am not used to wood in processing facilities, so any information on this would be greatly appreciated.


Dear bbrennatbf,

I am familiar with the type of wood bins used in the dried fruit industry and they are used as common practice especially when transferring fruit from the grower level to a primary processor and in storage. Many processors that have an inventory of wood bins clean them at some set interval and typically accomplish this with manual dry cleaning, scraping, air guns or hot water pressure washer if things are bad.The concern then becomes what level of clean was actually achieved and how thoroughly are the bins dried prior to storage/reuse and once clean are they or can theybe stored away from the elements.

My guess is you would want to determine what level of “clean”is really needed. If the dried fruit is going to be further process and cleanedand washed then perhaps a visual dry clean is acceptable. Some handlers have gone to plastic bins to improve hygiene and reduce the potential for FM and some may use plastic bin liners with the wooden bins when applicable.

Their cleaning records if any then become part of the verification.In my experience wood and/or plastic bins are not numbered therefore tracking them would be a challenge (to put it mildly)

Determine what your needs are then you can evaluate their ability(within reason and realistically) to meet those needs at the time of the audit. Usually it will take considerations from both parties but once you open the line of communication and create an atmosphere of partnership everyone gets on board and are more open to solutions when and if needed.


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Thanked by 3 Members:

Madam A. D-tor

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  • Interests:meat, meat products, ready to eat, food safety, QMS, audits, hazard analyses, IFS, BRC, SQF, HACCP, ISO 9001, ISO 22000

Posted 12 January 2012 - 10:46 PM


Thanks for sharing this interesting information.

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Kind Regards,

Madam A. D-tor

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