I am working with a high street butcher who makes 4lb haslet (or meatloaf) cooked on the premises. The haslet cooling process is causing some concern with our Environmental Health Officer. The product is cooked to 80 centigrade over a period of 1.5-2 hours, then placed in the chiller and the temperature brought down from 60 to +5 degrees in 7 hours.
The EHO wants to see the temperature drop from 60 to +5 degrees in 4 hours or even better to +5 in 90 minutes.
Our references on the subject are the 'Cooling of large hams and similar bulk meats' a LACOTS publication from 1999. This document allows for a temperature drop from cooking to 5 degrees in 8 hours.
Does anyone have data or other guidance that would support the safety of this speed of cooling with this type of product.
The only other guidance I have found is generic material from local authorities that speaks of reducing cooked foods to 'room temperature' in 4 hours then down to +5 in 90 minutes but I am not convinced there is any science behind that.
My client's only other alternative is to remove these and similar products from his range.
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