Good morning everyone,
Good day everyone,
i would like to asked some of your ideas on how to control loose item before and after access into processing area?
I know the locker is one way of ensuring no loose item could access
processing area, but our problem right now is that personnel locker is
not yet controlled and people entering processing area bring with them
there personal belongings, so i would like to asked or any one could
share there ideas on how could our company controls loose item.
Ideas are highly appreciated.
hope you would respond and input some ideas on how should i control those loose items to prevent any risk of foreign matter contamination during operational.
thank you!
- Christine
Hello Christine,
As others' comments, all loose items have be prohibited to bring into the production areas. All workers should aware about this basic requirement (via policy, GMP / personnel hygiene procedure, induction training, etc.) and the workers should not bring the loose items to work and if they bring any loose items, they need to left somewhere outside the processing areas.
However, some loose items are necessary to bring along to work such as money, keys, mobile, etc. Again, these loose items should be kept somewhere outside the production areas. Locker with combination lock is good one, so no key to take care and avoid issue of stealing / losing due to each worker has to take care his/her own locker and combination code.
You indicated that the lockers are not yet available and you are looking for alternative control methods.
Most of factories in Philippines that I visited, there are security guards and/or sanitation inspectors to inspect (sometimes even perform body search) workers, including visitors, before entering the production areas. Therefore, I think the loose valuable items (e.g. money, jewelry, and mobile) might be able to leave with these guards and/or inspectors. Well, if each workers did have many loose valuable items, each worker can put all loose valuable items together in one sealed bag, put his/her name on, and registered (with details as necessary - to prevent false claims and stealing issues) with the guards or inspectors. It needs to have a system to control return items to wrong person. This system can be similar to system using at the bag or luggage storage at airport or department store. However, each worker has to aware that the guards or inspectors will just do their best to taking care of their loose items. It cannot guarantee zero stealing or losing issue. CCTV at this inspection/storage point might be useful.
Again, the bottomline is no loose items that did not related to the production activity should be brought into the production line. In case, it is necessary to allow any workers / visitors to bring the loose items into the production areas, inspection for condition and registration for quantity of the losse items before and after visting the production areas need to be done. Reasons and authorize approval should be recorded as well.
Hope my ideas can help. :)