Dear magenta_m,
Oh Dear!
If you apply zero tolerance, yes the category is fairly well defined. If otherwise, it's back to quantitative risk assessment.
Rgds / Charles.C
hmmm, I don't get/understand what vulnerability in the system you're seeing. I think their tolerance is at like 90% or 95% certain no GMO (I'd have to check, but I think there's a couple standard experts on here). It's really clear the corn is high risk GMO because that's the main type of corn we've been using for decades, and it's clear salt is low risk, because it has no genes to modify. If a modified gene version of a plant is known to exist, it's gonna spread naturally, It's harder to define high micro risk because there are a bajillion types of micros and nature makes them, not stupid humans.
Hey, did you know some guys made FAKE DNA that works like REAL DNA and there's FOUR MORE LETTERS?!?!
CRAZED RANT WARNING : I've been holding this back for months, people. Months.
Technology is so COOL! Why can't we move forward on food technology!?! Stop holding us back, hippies! Food safety > non threats drummed up for marketing like organic and natural and non--GMO. In my personal life, I see GMOs are a spoiled rich white people with plenty of safe food problem, and I'd rather have the cancer it might (Ed note: according to science totally won't) give me than die of starvation. But the corporations who want to copyright *life* are pretty CENSORED in the head, so I'm anti all sides, pro feeding the world on this one. But in my professional life, the standard itself is good, and I wish our factory would adopt it so Sales would have something to tell everyone. The standard owners work with you and answer questions, the certifying bodies are open and helpful, and it seems like they respond to issues and clear up misconceptions better than other standards I've come across, and they're nice. Though I can't say I've ever emailed SQF or BRC to clarify where they stood on interpretation in my particular case.
I want fake DNA in me so bad. We should crash the new DNA lab & bring pizza & beer & see if they'll inject the lot of us so we can be a mutant hybrid army of Food Safety Men, able to locate and file documentation and effortlessly determine root cause, all while fighting the evil Hazard triplets Phylis Ical, Mike Ro, and Biron Ogical.
I'm extra not sober right now - FOUR DAY WEEKEND, CENSOREDs!