I might have posted this in the wrong area but just tell me....>>>>>> Hi guys I want, no I need help.. okay so it is all related to the HARPC and FSMA. I have researched for days and I have a million and 1 websites and articles but i still have no idea what is the logical next move. Okay so I have HACCP and I have 1 CCP, what I am unsure of is.. Do I just add radiological to my hazard analysis? Do I need to do a different flow chart and what would it include? Since the Radiological is potentially by water or disaster do i now have to add that to my water testing? Do i need to do air smaples? Do I just start over and go with each and every prerequisite and make it into a preventative control and in what format do I do that? I am overthinking it
I know but this is what was handed to me as my project and i want it to be right. I know the rules have not yet been put into place but everything i have read says start now... HEEELLPPPPPP ME!! Thank you in advance for your help and patience.