Chat logs from today's webinar:
" Dipendra: Hi all, good morning, Dipendra from Canada"
Sree Prakash: Hello alll )from NZ)
Rener De Jesus: Hi! I am Rener De Jesus from PH
Christina: Good morning from the US!
Robert: Hello from U.S.
Shaker Abutaha : Hello from Canada
Youssef: hello from morocco
MLChillida: Hello from Spain
Amy: hello from utah
Arquelio Ramirez: Miss Jennifer Good Morning Arquelio Ramirez
" ALLIOUANE: I can't follow the webinar , can I receive a final repport"
" Jessica: Hello from Iowa, US"
William: Hi...from Puerto Rico!!
" Hardik Jain: Hello From Mumbai, India"
Natalie: Good morning (12am) from
Evelyn Lugo: Hi... from Virginia!!!
dave: HI from Gloucestershire UK
Natalie: aus
" ALLIOUANE: hello , I am from canada"
Fernanda: Hello from Brazil
" Charmaine: Hi..from Cape Town, South Africa :)"
David: morning from Montreal
Arquelio Ramirez: Arquelio Ramirez Puerto Rico
" Dan: Hello from Lancaster, PA"
Rener De Jesus: hi
Natalie: Good morning from
" Helen: Good Morning from Green Bay, Wisconsin"
Ritu: Hi i am.Ritu from Delhi
Cristina: Hi from Barcelona
Mark: Good Morning from KC
" maria lynn yee francisco: hi everyone, maria lynn yee francisco here, philippines"
" duygu: Good afternoon everybody, Mersin- Turkey"
Pauline R.: Hello from Germany
Megan Smith: the webinar is not pulling up for me. i just see static.
Kamorudeen: kamorudeen from nigeria
" Rick: Hello from Michigan, USA"
Sabina: Sabina from texas
jose: Good Morning!
Natalie: Good morning from australia!
" Brian: Good morning from St. Louis, MO!"
Debbie: hiya from Florida
Sabina: Good Morning
Shady : good morning
Sripriya: Good Morning!
Michael: Good morning
Kevin: Good morning from rainy Los Angeles
SAM JUNG: Hi Calgary here.
Rebecca Conces: Good morning from Colorado USA!!
" Herbert: Hello from Indianapolis, Indiana"
LORENA OLIVARES: Good Morning from Maryland !
Kamorudeen: what is GFSI
" Shabina: Hello, I am Shabina from India"
" Kimberly: Good morning from Birmingham, AL"
Evelyne: Hi from Hong Kong
" Teresa: Helo Mr Simon and Guest, from Portugal"
Darpan: Good Morning
Jelena: hello from Serbia
Mariana: Good morning
Jaime Servin: Good Morning from California.
Mohammed El Wakeel: hello every body
Edsangela: good morning from new bedford. Edsangela Pereira
Stan: Good morning from Wisconsin
Sophie Ranger: Hi all
Michelle: Hello
Benjie: Good eve from RDPI Indonesia
Darpan: Global Food Safety Initiative
Rener De Jesus: Philippines!
" kim : Good Morning from Ottawa, Canada"
Farzad: Good morning from Nova Scotia
Robin: Good Morning
Sophie Ranger: QC Manager
Lenka: 1
Tosin Obalanlege: Tosin Obalanlege live
Edsangela: Quality Assurance
Yehia: Hi evertbody
Sarah: good morning. Peterborough Canada
Shady : QA AND QC
anika: From Toronto ON
Sabina: SQF Practitioner
Darpan: I am Q.A. Tech.
Jill: director of QA and Regulatory
Antonio Gilges: good morning
Tadas: I am Group Technical Training Officer
Justin : Seafood production/SQF Practitoner
Jerry: My responsibilities are both QA and Food Safety Management
Michael: Plant manager
Rener De Jesus: the slides are bit blurred
reynaldo: Reynaldo from the Philippines
Kamorudeen: good aferrnoon from nigeria
Arquelio Ramirez: Arquelio from SanAntonio Tx
Tadas: BRC
Darpan: BRC
Herbert: SQF
David Levy: SHALOM everybody from ISRAEL!!!
" MUHAMMAD Nasir Ahmed: Good evening, Lahore, Pakistan"
dave: Audit Prep Consultant
" Jacinthe: Jacinthe, from Quebec"
" Panchaxari: Hello Everyone,From India"
Hardik Jain: Lead Auditor - FSSC 22000
Rener De Jesus: thank you Mr. Timperley
" Jessi Swenson: Good Morning! Stockton, Illinois"
ALLIOUANE: I am manager QA
Simon Timperley: As mentioned the webinar is being recorded and will be made available after the live event
Jacinthe: What is required forIFS unanounced audit?
ALLIOUANE: thank you
Filiz: Hi from Izmir
" Allison: Not GFSI unannounced, but other customers and second party"
Stephen: Having our first unannounced audit this year
Tadas: brc un announced
Sabina: we are holding our breath and expecting it this year. its year number 3 and we are now within our 60 day window
shameena: Would like to understand more about BRC not fully announce audit.
Kamorudeen: I hav had unanounced audit before
" alyssa: good morning from sunny NM. Like Allison, not GFSI unannounced but customer and health dept."
Tosin Obalanlege: Yes
Carlito: Hi Lito Impas from The Philippines
Marlon: hi.
anika: wow i was expecting more my worst nightmare
Sabina: we are prepared on a management level but we use a lot of temps and recently had a turnover of temp agency
anika: i chose not very well prepared
Sabina: GMP has been an issue with that change
" Ngonzi: Hi, Ngonzi attending from Goma"
" alyssa: sQF requires a backup but yes, are they fully prepared?"
sundus: hi
Jerry: hyperlinks in an excel spreadsheet works nicely
alyssa: I have hyperlinks to documents in hopes that anyone could do the audit
Daniel Adigun: my audio is bad
Simon Timperley: Great Rick. :-)
Filiz: it's ok now the presentation running
sundus: sorry but icant see the webinar
Simon Timperley: Sundus is youtube blocked where you are?
sundus: no iam in OMAN
Satishkumar G: satish
Simon Timperley: try closing the webinar and rejoining
Rener De Jesus: Is it appropriate the hardcopy documents of Laboratory reports are located in QA/QC Office? not in QA/QC Lab?
" Rener De Jesus: When you say electronic records, are those docs are made in MS Words /Excel or those are scanned copies?"
Emma Fonseca: hi from Mexico
" Marlon: from NOrth Sulawesi, Indonesia"
Rose Leah: hi from Marshall island
Stephen: Xanax
Lupita: asign responsibilities
sharon: internal audits
Steven: general floor housekeeping
" Diana: Internal Audits, "
Paulo Faria: trainning of personnel
Jill: group effort
Lydia: Internal Audits
Bria B: cross training of department heads
" Allison: @ Stephen, lol"
Darpan: Organizational chary
Michelle: trained back up roles!
Ippolita Giorio: Organigram
Sabina: Training
Darpan: chart
" Brian: List of Chain of Command, with back-ups listed for each person and position"
dave: crip sheets
anika: xanax? lol that was funny
Christina: Organization
David Cooper: A portal linking all relevant documents
ola: can i get the hard copy
Megan : checklist
" Andrea: inspections, training, internal audits"
Brian: training
Nives: documentation availabilit
MLChillida: sefinspection
Stan: Trained backup and shared files
Sophie Ranger: mock recall
Farzad: Validation
Gerard: Warm welcome of the auditor
Danielle: plant inspections and key update records
Darshan: sanitation
Brian: internal audit
Tadas: key personnel contact out of hours contact numbers
Nives: group team
Emma Fonseca: training
MLChillida: Don't be in crisis
Atil: Within 30 minutes audit should start
Dusica: trainings
vasilis: internal audit
" Nacer Eddine Hachemi: Hi, Nacer from Ottawa"
Wynn: internal unannounced audits
Sabina: informed front desk
SAM JUNG: Record keeping
ALLIOUANE: to be ready every time
Kathy : always one person on-site with prior audit experience.
Afton: Mock audit sessions
Allan: Key-employees how can do tracability
sundus: thank you it is work now
" Rose Leah: maintain the cleanliness of the processing and outside facility, keep the documents updated"
Brian: having someone that can fill in for us should we not be there
Mariana: Contact list
Pattoos: mock recall records
Carlito: Make Food Safety a habit for all employee
dave: I use self help crip sheet
David Cooper: A hyperlinked portal with all the document locations
anika: i would assume unannounced itnernal audits
Chino: Deifned Responsibilities
" Mohammed El Wakeel: Deputies, readiness"
Arquelio Ramirez: Consulting pior to the Audit
Jaime Servin: internal audit
Esther: Do things right all the time as if the next day an audit was coming
ola: whats foes it takes to be a permanent member
Jessi Swenson: Mock Recall Data/Information
Sara: Pest control
Gene: Food Safety Team
Panchaxari: Updated documents
Paulo Faria: traceability should be implied within GQ system and documentation control
Martha: Will the auditor identify themselves and state the purpose? What if they don't and are turned away?
Tadas: not if food manufacturing site employes 1000 people
vasilis: corrective and preventive actions
Nanette: do it right all of the time not short cut when you can
" Allan: In a group function, we can trace..... but we are on the plant all time"
David: awareness program
" Allan: tree key persons, are traveling on 10 different plants i 4 diff contry"
Rener De Jesus: expect the unexpected
yorgen: hello
" Tosin Obalanlege: @ Martha, Auditor will identify themselves, and audit will take place since it is part of management plan"
" Martha: @Tosin, thank you. As long as they ID themselves, they will not be turned away here."
Allan: The auditor have to got a offical ID-card or else they will be refuse becaurce our Terror-plan!!
JT: anyone able to see all slides?
" Shaker Abutaha : If it possible to have these slides as copy for every body. Thanks, "
Simon Timperley: Slieds and vidoe will be circulated after the live webinar.
" Kathy : yes, all slides visible, but degree of clarity fluctuates. sometimes clear-sometimes blurry."
Simon Timperley: sorry for typos. :-)
Shaker Abutaha : Thanks Simon
MLChillida: Yes I see slides very good
Panganai: l can see slides but audio is poor
Fernanda: me too
" Kathy : our internal auditing has helped ""fix"" gaps by bringing areas of weakness to light "
Shaker Abutaha : What does she mean by Key personnel?
Daniel Adigun: THE AUDIO is bad on my side as well
anika: ^i would say both
Amy: slides and audio perfect
saida: we are good
Arquelio Ramirez: Is this Plan Comaparable to FSMA? FDA investigations
ola: my video is nit clear
Evelyn Lugo: Simon!
" Herbert: For a SFQ unannounced audit, what has typically been the days of the week that auditors shows up"
dave: I am a consultant who specialises in preparing clients for unannounced audits.
Allan: @Shaker - Key Personnel is very importent employees how's knows a lot about this
Sripriya: Thanks
Brian: Thank you very much
" Teresa: Thank you Mrs jennifer, it was really good your presentation"
Evangelina: I can hear her
Carlito: Thank you
Panchaxari: Thank you Jennifer
Evelyn Lugo: Great Information!
Mariana: I can hear you
Brian: Simon you are breaking up
Michelle: My SQF auditor came on Tuesday
" Brian: I hear Jennifer perfectly, but Simon is cutting out"
Brian: I can hear Jen but Simon is breaking up
alyssa: Thank you Jennifer. :)
Michelle: I can hear Jen
Dan: Thank you!
Kevin: Thanks Jennifer
ramesh: Hi! ramesh from Kathmandu
Mark: thanks for some good ideas...
Darpan: Thank you Jennifer!!
Carlito: Thank you so much Simon and Jennifer
Kathy : WE are becoming superstars in prep for the unannounced audits.
Esther: Very good presentation Jennifer! Thanks
" ola: mr,kamar are you on"
saida: thanks jennifer
" Ngonzi: Jeniffer and Simon, thanks so much "
dave: Thanks Jen
Sabina: Thank you Jennifer. I have somethings to go to my team and see what we can do about finding and filling our holes in the up coming days
Tadas: thank you Jennifer some really usefull tips
Edwarda: It's great presentation! Thanks!
MLChillida: Thanks Jennifer
Michelle: Awesome session! Thank you!
Rener De Jesus: Thanks Jennifer and Simon!
" Robert: Thank-you Jennifer, very informative!"
" Brian: Very useful, helpful tips today - thanks for a great presentation today"
Arquelio Ramirez: Thank you Miss Jennifer I llok foward to another class with you as a host
Herbert: Thanks Jennifer and Simon great information
duygu: Thanks Jennifer and Simon ! Awesome !
Brian: i lost everything
Evelyn Lugo: Are we able to print-out the Power Point Presentation?
Mariana: Thank you.
Sabina: Thanks Simon I was praying that this webinar would come before my audit since it is my first in a GFSI scheme. I'm more familiar with audits with environmental laboratories and we always knew the were coming
Darpan: reload
" dave: Advice from me...Plan, Prep, be friendly and don't panic. If you get a non conformance it can be fixed!!!"
" Megan : I want to implement team/cross auditing, what is a good way to do that if you have limited QA staff?"
Sree Prakash: Thsnk you Jennifer & Simon. Good info.
" Kathy : We are a 3 person audit team, but invite our production managers to sit on on audits to understand the full scope of what an auditor looks at and for. It's been an eye opener for them. That has helped change culture. "
shameena: Can you explain again briefly the BRC GMP porrtion unannounced audit- thank you
" Rener De Jesus: what is ""culture ready""?"
Wynn: Will there be only one announced audit per year or could there be more than on unannounced audit per year?
Kathy : Pull people for different departments for internal auditing purposes
" Eva : Thank you, Jennifer, very clear and informative."
suryakant kunte: hi this is suryakant kunte from india
Darpan: orange and green
" Diana: Megan, we have every single office employee trained as internal auditor. So we have about 25 internal auditors. Thats a lot of help!"
Darpan: green - documentation
Narongchai: 2 oolors applied for Unannounced Audit Option2
" Mohammed El Wakeel: I think main problem is that 2nd line continously not competent enough, so we as auditor ask for more involvement of staff in system implementation."
Daniel Adigun: Very imfomative
Kathy : orange is the visual observance; green is documentation
Darpan: yes orange and green - just got trained on BRC issue 7
Benjie: Thank you ms. informative material for announced audits plan
Martha: Do you foresee the GMP portions of schemes changing now that the FDA GMP has changed very significantly?
Yehia: Thanks
Martha: Even GFSI is not fully FSMA compliant
Rener De Jesus: what is the color coded for?
Rener De Jesus: is it color of the folders?
Narongchai: Jesus / 2 colors applied for Un audit option 2 in BRC
" Benjie: Thank you IFSQN, Sir Timperley"
Kathy : the color coding tells you whether the auditor will be looking more at documentation to meete BRC clause or looking at the visual of operations
ola: you're a good educationi Jennifer..mkrep it up.
David Cooper: Its not the pages its the individual clauses
suryakant kunte: very useful info jennifer
Darpan: we have systems in place and implemented them but sometimes its hard to convince prod. employee on floor? what are ways to make them follow the systems in place?
" Diana: Simon, when the presentation will be available online? Unfortunatelly i missed out the live presentation, but i want to get some tips and pesent on next week management team "
Narongchai: Orange Color - GMP will be audited at the first part/ Green color - documentation will be audited at the second part
" sundus: Rewarding webinar ,Thank you jennifer and simon"
" Mohammed El Wakeel: Many Thanks, Jen. & Simon"
Shaker Abutaha : guys go to youtube
Jennifer: Thank you Jennifer and Simon. Great presentation. So much helpful information today.
Robert: Thank-you Jennifer and Simon!
" dave: thanks guys, excellent"
" Teresa: Thank you Mrs Jennifer and Simon, have a nice weekend"
BEtty: Thank you very much Jennifer and Simon for sharing your knowledge and expertise.
Aliyu: thanks simom and jen
Paulo Faria: please send copy of presentation
Brian: Thank you Simon. Have a great day/night!
Justin : Thank you