Hi, is it ok for HACCP Manuals to have only one page for signatures of approval and not per document?
Thank you
Posted 05 August 2016 - 07:11 AM
Dear Yaba,
It's depend on how you control your manual or copy of them. If you don't need the signature in everyone of them. But you have to make sure the identification of approval is existed on the document or copy to prevent using of unauthorized document.
PS. This is just my opinion. You should consider with your management system and related subject in your work.
Hope this will help you,
Good luck.
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Posted 05 August 2016 - 09:20 AM
Auditors generally prefer to have each flow diagram signed/initialed by each member of the HACCP Team.
As for the rest of the plan? A simple sign off page that states the enclosed plan has been reviewed and approved should suffice.
It really all depends on the Standard you are being audited against.
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Posted 05 August 2016 - 11:00 AM
It maybe that you can just sign the HACCP flow chart - this is all I have previously done, as long as you make sure you have reviewed and resigned I have never had an issue.
As long as they can see a physical review has been carried out the above signing off by HACCP team should be fine.
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Posted 05 August 2016 - 07:45 PM
One way to avoid Signatures on Documents (except perhaps the Original paper Master) (unless FS Mandated) -
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Kind Regards,
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