Hello redfox,
Thank you for your thought. Yes, it is very difficult to ask this information from the supplier especially when we are dealing with distributor and cost is becoming an issue for them.
Hi felicia,
Wrong Forum ?
I assume the discussion is oriented to BRC7 Standard.
There hv been some literature suggestions that earlier versions of BRC FS Standards under-emphasised the importance of "Supplier Approval". The last few years have seen BRC’s response to such comments such as in sec. 3.5.
This is in the BRC7 intro. -
The Global Standard for Food Safety has been developed to specify the food safety, quality and operational criteria required to be
in place within a food manufacturing organisation to fulfil obligations with regard to legal compliance and protection of the
A food business must have a full understanding of the products produced, manufactured and distributed, and have systems in
place to identify and control hazards significant to the safety of food. The Global Standard for Food Safety is based on two key
components: senior management commitment and a HACCP-based system (which provides a step-by-step approach to
managing food safety risks)
From a BRC auditor's POV, yr specific query overlaps FS elements such as legal responsibility for one's product, Product Specifications, Risk Assessment, significant hazards, scope of haccp plans.
A BRC auditor might expect to see evidence, for example, as to why you seemingly regard heavy metals/pesticides as not significant hazards. If you can justify such, then no need to detail in the haccp plan. (Conversely perhaps BRC should also be able to validate the rebuttal of an opinion of non-signifcance). One common evidential support (either-way) is via History/Official surveys.
It's ultimately usually all about RA significance (eg theory/History) and related validatory data (yours or other people's).
PS - have there been any local official surveys of these industries which covered the HM/Pesticide aspects ?