Good morning!
We have only 2 CCP's, our metal detectors and labeling. Recently we experienced our metal detector failing which shut us down, this brought up the question of is there a way to risk assess and re-look at our HACCP plan and build in a back up plan so that possibly our magnets were CCP's as well in the event of the metal detector being out of service.
My thought is that our main food saftey concern is metal in the final product (not ready to eat milled rice), our magnets which we have several in the process remove most all of this threat, and the ones that our metal detector does catch are 99.9% smaller than the FDA tollerance for a choking hazard.
I am trying to formulate a change that will allow us to still produce safe product however in the event of the metal detector being shut down our HACCP plan does not hand cuf us from still operating.
Any ideas would be appreciated.