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How to identify and exclude risk of cross contamination during transport

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    IFSQN...it's My Life

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  • United Kingdom
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  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Manchester
  • Interests:Married to Michelle, Father of three boys (Oliver, Jacob and Louis). I enjoy cycling, walking and travelling, watching sport, especially football and Manchester United. Oh and I love food and beer and wine.

Posted 21 February 2022 - 04:28 PM

The Most Important Changes in HACCP 2020
Took Place:
Friday, February 25, 2022
Hans-Dieter Philipowski, President, E N F I T
Webinar Overview:
Many companies have costly product recalls. In such a case, which can cost millions of euros and possibly ruin the company's reputation, the question arises: where did the impurities come from and how did they get into the product. We will show you how you can analyze the risks in the supply chain and what influence the transport and especially the often lacking transport hygiene when transporting underpacked raw materials and food can have on your production and your products.

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    IFSQN...it's My Life

  • IFSQN Admin
  • 12,908 posts
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  • United Kingdom
    United Kingdom
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Manchester
  • Interests:Married to Michelle, Father of three boys (Oliver, Jacob and Louis). I enjoy cycling, walking and travelling, watching sport, especially football and Manchester United. Oh and I love food and beer and wine.

Posted 25 February 2022 - 05:56 PM

Chat logs from today's webinar:


Rick Cooper : hello from California
John Fulgencio Fulgencio : Hello everyone from the Philippines
Achint : hello from india
Aynur Gunenc : Hello from Canada
Novica Kostic : Hello from Serbia
Mona Chitsaz : Hi
AbdulRahman Abbas : Good evening from Dubai
Brenda Beblow Beblow : Good morning from Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Marie Jane P. Patrimonio : Hello from the philippines
Seong Gwan KANG KANG : Hi~~
Abayomi Ashiru : Hello everyone
Zin Myo Swe Swe : Hello from Thailand!
Aaiysha Siddiqa : Hello from Pakistan
Rajshree Patel PATEL : Raj from NJ
Trang Tran Thi Huyen : Hi from Vietnam
Faneesh : Hello from India
Olivia : Hi
Gail  Hagemann : Hello from George, South Africa
Rose Kwan : hello!
Justin Thomas Thomas : hello from UAE
William Warnick Warnick : Good Morning from Bruceton Mills, WV
B G Ravikumar RAVIKUMAR : Hello, from India
andrea parlato : hello everybody
Phillip Mitchell : Hello from London
Ahmed Elwakeel : Hi from Egypt
Reinielle : good day from philippines
Abubakar WAKIBI : Hello, from Uganda
Jan Jackson Jackson : Good morning from North Carolina USA
Iyabosola Miedzianowska Miedzianowska : Hi everyone, from UK
Igor Angelovski Angelovski : Hi to Prague
Teresa Pinho : Hello, from Portugal
Rhouel LUBAO : Hello to everyone ...from Manila Philippines
Kemi Alaran : Hello, From UK
Cristina : Hello from NM USA
Olivia : Hello from Baltimore, MD
Beata Dominiak : Good Day from Poland
Ricardo Reyes : Good morning to everyone from cold Idaho USA
Darren Reed Reed : Hello, from Rome, GA-USA
Aishah Bujang : Aishah from Malaysia
Muhammad Altaf Altaf : UAE
Julie Parnell : Hello from Canada
Aline : Aline from Quebec, Canada
Fabienne McNeely McNeely : Hello From Ireland
Franklin Dalisay dalisay : hi from Philippines
Johnny : Lumberton, NC
ROBERTO Benedetti : Good afternoon from Italy!
Babalola saheed olanrewaju : Hi.. from Nigeria
David Barnes : hello from Minnesota USA
Phyllis Wilson Wilson : Phyllis Wilson from New Jersey, USA
David McCormack McCormack : Hi from Nova Scotia, Canada.
Mariel Bumaya Bumaya : From Philippines
Simao Monteiro : Hi from Portugal!
Dusica Antic : Hello from Serbia!
Adewale Sabitu Sabitu : Hi, Adewale Sabitu from Nigeria
Stephen Bulow : Good Morning from Kansas City
Yehia El-Samragy : Hello everybody from Cairo, Egypt
Margaret Maiss : Margaret Maiss, Calgary Canada
Joana Duarte : Hello from Norway
Jose Aguilera : Hi, from Chile
Jennifer A Bridges : Hello from Molokai
Mark Magnan : I work for a Belgium company, but am in Texas
Simone Kummerlöwe : Good afternoon from Germany
Monica Casali Casali : Hello from Italy
Peter : Aloha from Hawaii
Christina Stark : Hello from Northern California, USA!
Patricia Maldonado : Greetings from New Jersey, USA
Antionette Coetzee Coetzee : Hallo from South Africa
Kalaimani Arasi Arasi : Kalaimani Arasi from Dubai
Kaysha Dassler : Good Morning From Chicago!
Abubakar WAKIBI : Greetings from Uganda
eddie Lopez Lopez : good morning
Monika : Hello from Boston Massachusetts.
Osama Kamal : ØŒHello for all
Jhanesse abalajon : Good evening from 🇧🇳 Brunei
samah : from Sudan
Babalola saheed olanrewaju : Greeting from Nigeria
Vicky Garcia GARCIA : Hi from the Philippines
leonard King : Leonard king hello from Barbados
Michael Nyhan : Michael Nyhan frpm Ireland
Betzy Gil Gil : Greetings from Maracay, Venezuela
Thomas Dohnal : Hello from Vienna
Clifford Ramlogan Ramlogan : hello everyone from Trinidad
Nasrin Mpour : Hello, Nasrin from Toronto
Jamal Zamrudi : Good evening from Indonesia
KAVIYA : Voice is not clear
Betzy Gil Gil : Greetings from Maracay, Venezuela
Vilma Cubillo Cubillo : Hi, from Guayaquil, Ecuador
Taghi : Hi to everybody
Kenza AMEZIANE HASSANI : Greatings from Argentina
Slavica : Hello from Montenegro
Mohcine DRIF : Hi from Jordan
Juzeniene Juzeniene : Hello from Lithuania
ELAINE : Is it my line problem or it is really lag?
Laura Sieloff : Hello from Michigan!
Taghi : Good morning, Taghi from Iran
Charles Zottorvi : Hi
Adel Merawem : Hi everyone
Jacinthe Lefebvre Lefebvre : Hello from Quebec
Fadzillah Haryati Fadzillah : hai From Malaysia
Terrice Lawrence : Hello from Jamaica
Steve Brown : Hi from Dover, UK. My thoughts are with all those in Ukraine
Jake Woodward : hello from St. Louis
Ljubica Kostadinova : Hello from Germany
Zanda Desir : Hello everyone! Zanda from St.Lucia
Michael Neatis Neatis : Hi
Yoga Ramnarain : hello from Runcorn
Murjanatu Tutare : Hello everyone from Nigeria
Faneesh : due to picture of trainer, background statement not visible. Thanks
Steve Brown : same here.... cant see slide properly
OLGA KOSEVICH KOSEVICH : la imagen de la persona que expone tapa parte importante de las  diapositivas.
Margaret Maiss : can image of speaker be moved?
Babalola saheed olanrewaju : Can someone send me the email of this presenter ? Thanks
simon timperley : You will receive recording, slides and certificate by email later.  Contact details will be included.
NNEKA AJOMIWE Ajomiwe : Good evening everyone,Nneka from Nigeria.
Moez : Bonjour de NB
Benjie Luy : Hi to anyone here
Muhammad Shahbaz Shahbaz : Hello.   Here is Muhammed from Riyadh Saudi Arabia
NNEKA AJOMIWE Ajomiwe : Having network issues
Fredrick : Hi Fredrick Okoth from Kenya
Marie Jane P. Patrimonio : Thank you.. Good presentation.
Melissa Hagen Hagen : Babalola saheed olanrewaju - email is philipowski@enfit.eu
Shiva Prakash RAO : Hi Everyone... Shiva from Ireland here
Harvey Donaldo Donaldo : Hi everyone from NJ
Vladimir Surcinski : Hello, Vladimir from Serbia here
Muhammad Usman : Hello everyone
Marie Jane P. Patrimonio : Can food fraud be the cause of cross contamination during transport of foods?
Novica Kostic : Can you please give us more information on high cube reefer and lkw?
Denise Nicole Reyes : Hi
Maria Bati : You have referred a lot on food but how about feed products?
Monica Casali Casali : Thank you Mr Philipowski very interesting your presentation
Vladimir Surcinski : Nice nice nice
Gail  Hagemann : Thank you. Very informative!
Peg Galloup : Thank you from New York!
David McCormack McCormack : Very enjoyable, excellent photos.
Ahmed Hassanien Sallam Hassanien Sallam : Thank you
William Warnick Warnick : Thank you Hans
Jan Jackson Jackson : Very nice presentation.  Thank you.
NNEKA AJOMIWE Ajomiwe : Thank you
Donna Coronel Coronel : Thank you
Steve Brown : thank you
Novica Kostic : We are interested to be in working group, thank you. I will send you an e mail. THank you!
Mariel Bumaya Bumaya : Thank you.
Rajshree Patel PATEL : Thank you
Michael Neatis Neatis : Thanks
shiva swamy : is the concept of raw bulk milk transportation with Carbondioxide gas incorporation is gaining momentum? What precautions can be taken in that case?
Laura Sieloff : For Kosher product to be delivered should it be in a Kosher truck that has been washed for Kosher transporting?
Simone Kummerlöwe : Where can I find the descriptions for your cleaning schemes, like P500
Vladimir Surcinski : @Novica Kostic možete kontaktirati direktno mene, ukoliko ste locirani u Srbiji, ja sam predstavnik ENFIT-a za region - vladimir.surcinski@addictedtofood.me
LC : Do you know examples where the cross-contamination cannot be avoided please? So in this case what can we do more please? Thanks
Marie Jane P. Patrimonio : Thank you, from the philippines
Justin Thomas Thomas : great session, thank you
Kemi Alaran : What will you suggest for minimising contaminants during transportation of dried food products in bulk bags.  Thank you
Rajshree Patel PATEL : presentation is very informative!
Faneesh : what are the general guideline to be followed by Raw material supplier or their transporter? any defined guideline ?
shiva swamy : I have heard that carbon di oxide can be used as a preservative in transportation of milk. Is this concept still in nascent stage? If so, what precautions can be taken during transportation?
Faneesh : What are general guideline must be followed by Raw material supplier or their transporter? any reference document?
Greena tino TINO : Thank you for fantastic presentation
LC : What about the EFTCO guidelines please?
samah : hi, is it going to be any further regulation in the future t support proper cleaning implementation?
Aishah Bujang : How about cleaning of the exterior of the transport vehicle? Cross contamination may comes from the vehicle tyres for example.
Susana Santos : Thank you!
Chandrashekar.B.S Shekar : Thank you!
John Edwards : A very useful presentation and look forward to reading the guide
samah : hi, is it going to be any further regulation in the future t support proper cleaning implementation in trucks ? ?
Olivia : thank you
Taghi : Are there any spesific Codex for transport and logistics of foods?
sweatha : Thank u
Vicky Garcia GARCIA : can the buyer of the products require surface swabbing test (to check for microbiological elements?
Gillian : Codex Alimentarius - Code of Hygienic Practice for the Transport of Food in Bulk and Semi-packed Food CAC/RCP 47-2001
Maria Festa Maria : Thank you!
Gail  Hagemann : What is the name of the swabs that you mentioned
David Barnes : excellent webinar
Vicky Garcia GARCIA : thank you very much for your very information-relevant topic. could you please share with us the type of swab tests (type)and where to access them.
angela hubbard : Thank you. Very informative.
LC : thank you!
Silvana Marchese Marchese : Thanks
Jansen Lee : thank you
Gillian : Thank you, so many risks I had never thought of before.
María Gaybor : Thanks!
Jennifer A Bridges : Thank you!
Gloria Rodriguez : Thank you
Babalola saheed olanrewaju : Thank you
William Warnick Warnick : Good day all, Thank you
Teresa Pinho : Thank You
Mat Rundle : Excellent preaentation, many thanks
Donna Coronel Coronel : Thank you
Hamid Ziena : Thank you very much
Kemi Alaran : Thank you.  Very insightful session
John Fulgencio Fulgencio : Thank you so much for sharing your expertise
Jacinthe Lefebvre Lefebvre : Thank you so much!
samah : we are praying stay safe
Monica Casali Casali : Ciao a tutti hello everybody
Rose Kwan : Thank you!
Emelita McGarrah McGarrah : Thank you for the excellent and informative presentation. This is one of the best I've seen. The pictures were fantastic. Thank you and stay safe!
Ibtissem bh Ben hmidene : Great webinar thank you!
Fadzillah Haryati Fadzillah : thank you

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