Here's the email received re: changes to database from our CB
We are writing to you as your Certification Body because you are an SQF-registered site and there is a change in the SQF Assessment Database registration and audit process.
Effective Monday, April 17, 2023, the SQFI has transitioned to an interim certification process.
With the new process, you can expect SQFI to:
- Support for your registration in a new platform
- If the CB manages registration on behalf of the sites, the CB will handle the new registration process.
- Issue invoices for payment of registration fees.
- Accept payment formats of credit card, check or wire payments.
- Provide a payment receipt.
- Provide the certification body with the custom audit checklist.
We want to assure you of our commitment to your continued satisfaction. We appreciate your patience as SQF manages this transition phase, which will provide an expanded level of service with new features.
Another recent change is with the existing SQF Certified Site Directory. The directory is used to look for SQF suppliers and verify certificates. With the platform change, the directory displays full search results with the data as of April 11, 2023. Updated information will be incorporated to provide up-to-date site listings in the coming days.
If there are any questions on verifying certificates, SQF Customer Service can be of assistance.
SQFI and the certification bodies support resolving any inquiries or concerns. We include below answers to questions we anticipate from customers. For questions or information, please get in touch with SQF Customer Service,, 202-220-0635 or Toll-Free 1-877-277-2635.
- Will the registration process be different?
- New and re-registering sites will provide the same registration information, but in a new interface during the transition period.
- Can I still access my reports and audit history?
- Your historical information is available from SQFI. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us for reporting on questions relating to your certification history.
- How will my customers check the validity of my certificates?
- The certified site directory is available on the SQFI website.
- Can I get a report of all the audits in progress and current certified status for sites in my organization?
- Depending on the information required, as your CB, we can support you in the request as needed.
- How will the corrective action process be handled? I am used to entering that information in the SQF Assessment Database.
- SQFI has communicated the changes to your CB and instructed them to maintain a process to manage the certification cycle during the transition period. Your CB will provide the tools required to manage these processes.
Edited by Scampi, 23 May 2023 - 02:02 PM.