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Brc/iop Global Standard - Food Packaging

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Posted 12 August 2004 - 10:40 AM

I received confirmation from TSO today regarding the eagerly awaited revision of the BRC/IOP Packaging Standard.


Packaging Standard - Revision of the BRC/IoP Global Standard - Packaging

I am writing to inform you that the current Packaging Standard will soon be out of date. The British Retail Consortium and the Institute of Packaging are releasing the new edition of the Packaging Standard at the end of August.

The new Standard will fully come into effect by 1st March 2005 but to give you time to appreciate all revisions and to start putting these into operation within your organisation, you can pre order your copy now. The enclosed leaflet will update you on all the changes, but to ensure your compliance please contact TSO on 0870 243 0123 to reserve your copy.


Along with the letter came a BRC leaflet:


Packaging Standard Revision: Best practice for packaging of food and other non-food products.

The new revisions are essential for certification, compliance will help manufacturers to stay on retailers supplier lists.

The revised standard has arisen out of extensive consultation between the British Retail Consortium (BRC), the Institute of Packaging (IoP), packaging suppliers, food manufacturers and third party certification bodies.

The standard is the benchmark for best practice across the packaging industry. Changes include:

- clearly defined requirements leading to more concise interpretations
- changes to reflect new legislation and best practice standards
- an extensive protocol section
- a clear definition of scope
- extending the scope of the Standard to allow products other than food to be certified

BRC/IoP Global Standard - Food Packaging and other Packaging Materials

Since its UK launch in 2001, the Standard is well on its way to becoming truly global. BRC registered certification bodies currently work in a number of countries, including the USA and China.

Significant benefits apply to retailers, suppliers and packaging producers. They include:

- greater confidence in supply and compliance with legal requirements
- reduce costs by the elimination of multi-audits
- enhanced due diligence systems for all parties
- clear and concise statements of best practice requirements
- certification to a well-defined internationally recognised Standard
- standardised industry approach
- the new standard will come into effect by 1st March 2005
- translated editions will be available October October 2004

The Standard also covers Hazard and Risk management, Technical Management System, Factory Standards, Contamination Control and Personnel, order now by calling 0870 243 0123. Publication date - 31st August 2004.


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    IFSQN...it's My Life

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Posted 12 August 2004 - 11:23 AM

I've pre-ordered a copy of the revised Standard and amended the name of this forum to BRC/IOP Global Standard - Packaging.

Oh dear I've spotted an anomaly already. The 'New' Standard is referred to on the BRC web site and in the TSO letter as the ‘BRC/IOP Global Standard - Packaging'. However, on the BRC leaflet there's an image of the front cover of the new Standard, and on there its called ‘BRC/IoP Global Standard - Food Packaging and other Packaging Materials'.

I hope this isn't a sign of things to come.

Anyway to end on a positive note. I'm looking forward to seeing the improvements made to the Standard and I'm sure this forum will help us all to understand the changes and new requirements more easily.

BTW the ISBN number for the new Standard is 0117022225.


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    IFSQN...it's My Life

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  • Interests:Married to Michelle, Father of three boys (Oliver, Jacob and Louis). I enjoy cycling, walking and travelling, watching sport, especially football and Manchester United. Oh and I love food and beer and wine.

Posted 06 September 2004 - 02:30 PM

In the next day or two I will be posting a full review of the changes / additions in Issue 2 of the BRC/IoP Global Standard - Food Packaging (and other packaging materials). :rolleyes:


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