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Quotes to make you go Hmmmm...

Started by , Aug 08 2005 09:44 PM
3 Replies
"Of the over fifty pride-builders we have studied during the last two years, all deliver superior performance results for their enterprise, and all attribute their success to an ability to instill pride among their people... People who are emotionally committed to something -- be it a person, a group, an enterprise, a cause, or an aspiration -- behave in ways that defy logic and often produce results that are well beyond expectations. They pursue impossible dreams, work ridiculous hours, and resolve unsolvable problems."
- Jon R. Katzenbach, Why Pride Matters More Than Money: The Power of the World's Greatest Motivational Force

"It is actually more important today for organizations to pay close attention to the health and well-being of all their workers than it was 50 years ago. A knowledge-based workforce is qualitatively different from a less-skilled one... The challenge, to repeat an old saying, is 'to make ordinary people do extraordinary things.'"- Peter F. Drucker, "They're Not Employees, They're People," Harvard Business Review

"In a study of workers like teachers, clerks, insurance reps, and police officers, the key to how much effort they put into their work was how emotionally attached they felt to their organization - how proud to work there, how large their job figures in their sense of identity, how much they feel 'part of the family'... High levels of commitment allow employees to thrive under challenges and pressures that those who feel no particular loyalty to the organization find only stressful and onerous."
- Daniel Goleman, Working with Emotional Intelligence

"An army's effectiveness depends on its size, training, experience and morale... and morale is worth more than all the other factors combined."
- Napoleon

"The majority of employees are not engaged at work. More than forty-two independent Gallup studies indicate that approximately 75 percent of employees in most companies are not engaged at work... Disengaged employees cost companies hundreds of millions of dollars annually. Employees who are disengaged from their current roles cost companies fortunes in lost revenue, higher turnover, lost workdays, and lower productivity."
- Curt Coffman and Gabriel Gonzalez-Molina, Follow This Path: How the World's Greatest Organizations Drive Growth by Unleashing Human Potential

"A leader will only command the level of loyalty he/she is willing to give to others."
- Winston Churchill
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Blimey Jim Wade quotes Deming !

Blimey Jim Wade quotes Deming !


Sure, Martin.

Old Ed has quite a few good bits that are accessible to ordinary human beings.

These are nuggets amongst the bulk of his stuff that even the DemingLemmings™ don't understand well enough to be able to put into practice.

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