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Internal consultant

Started by , Oct 25 2005 12:10 PM
5 Replies
Every big manufacturer and medium are sicking advise or hiring an external consultant.
What are advantages and disanvantages to have an internal?
Who whould be?
What about the very small manufacturer or restaurants?

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Every big manufacturer and medium are seeking advise or hiring an external consultant.
What are advantages and disanvantages to have an internal?
Who whould be?
What about the very small manufacturer or restaurants?

Developing a Food Safety Management System is a big undertaking in terms of time and cost. The choice on whether to outsource or do the job in-house very much depends on whether anyone in your business has the expertise and the time to do it. If not I'm afraid an external consultant is a necessary evil.

No seriously if you get a good, pragmatic food safety consultant and have someone in your organisation work very closely with him (or her) duirng the development; then hopefully that person builds up enough experience to enable them to manage the food safety system once the consultant has picked up his cheque and screeched off in his BMW. It depends a lot on your timescale - an external consultant is probably the quicker route; choosing a good one is the key.


May i know which country you come from? External consultants need not have to be home-country based. Have you ever considered that e-consulting is the cheapest way of getting external advice to managing your food safety program.

Let me be frank. Nobody will give you their entire intellectual property for free although over at SaferPak, members are willing to help out generally on a macro scale. Appreciate the amount of hard work and time that someone else had put in and to just give all away .......

However, if you are in need of serious help and details are required to help to move plans forward and you want advice from people who have solid experience to guide you along, e-Consultation would be your best bet.

In today's world of electronics, nothings appears impossible

Charles Chew


May i know which country you come from? External consultants need not have to be home-country based. Have you ever considered that e-consulting is the cheapest way of getting external advice to managing your food safety program.

Let me be frank. Nobody will give you their entire intellectual property for free although over at SaferPak, members are willing to help out generally on a macro scale. Appreciate the amount of hard work and time that someone else had put in and to just give all away .......

However, if you are in need of serious help and details are required to help to move plans forward and you want advice from people who have solid experience to guide you along, e-Consultation would be your best bet.

In today's world of electronics, nothings appears impossible

Charles Chew

thank you Charles
I came from Algeria, but I lived in London since 1992.
Just last year I put my self in the "word of electronics" I felt I was running far behind.
Finding Saferpack Discussion Forums was and still a star for me.

Big improvement in different area of knowledge and confidence, and I start doing internal hygiene audit,and checking and part of the HACCP system member.
I want just to say thank you to every contributors and specially to Charles-Simon and Franco

(excuse my english)

My English is probably just as bad nevertheless, thats not the criteria to be a member of SaferPak anyway.

SaferPak is really about Community who are involved in industrial systems giving a hand to others who need some leads. To be fair, there has been a whole lot of people out there who had and has been contributing significantly to the forum. Anyway, glad to have helped out. Let me know if you need any other help.


My English is probably just as bad nevertheless, thats not the criteria to be a member of SaferPak anyway.

You mean just as good; I admire you guys. My Algerian is just a little better than my Malaysian...absolutely rubbish.

SaferPak is really about Community who are involved in industrial systems giving a hand to others who need some leads. To be fair, there has been a whole lot of people out there who had and has been contributing significantly to the forum. Anyway, glad to have helped out. Let me know if you need any other help.

Can I just echo Charles here. The participating members of these forums are the SDF; they do a wonderful job for nothing and sometimes not even a thank-you. So a big thank you to all of you who share your experience and knowledge here.


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