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Example Format of Hazard Analysis Worksheet

Started by , Apr 26 2010 07:06 AM
2 Replies
Dear all,

i need a example of HAzard Analysis worksheet format, does anyone can help me out? Actually i have done a hazard analysis workheet, but rejected by auditor, becasue at "what preventive Measures or COntrol .. ' column i put Nil, then at the decission tree column must be leave it blank right?? Or have to fill N at Q1? Pls advice
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Dear Jennifer,

It may depend on where you are, what you're making, who's consuming it, and who you're giving the HACCP plan to??

It would probably help if you posted yr current version.

One example with useful discussion -

(one of a series, see the link to main list)

Rgds / Charles.C

Dear all,

i need a example of HAzard Analysis worksheet format, does anyone can help me out? Actually i have done a hazard analysis workheet, but rejected by auditor, becasue at "what preventive Measures or COntrol .. ' column i put Nil, then at the decission tree column must be leave it blank right?? Or have to fill N at Q1? Pls advice

Hi Jeniffer

Please post your worksheet and hopefully someone will be able to help you improve it



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