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5-Second Rule

Started by , Dec 02 2005 03:52 PM
11 Replies
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If its all the same, I won't be throwing out my plates and dishes just yet
Whenever I drop food onto the floor I carry out a quick hazard analysis to calculate the risk. The HA involves the following criteria:

- how long did it take to make
- how many more are left
- whose eating it me, family member, dog or guest
- has the floor been soiled by a dog (or child) in recent memory
- did anyone see me

That said I'd always eat chocolate (it's immune to all known bacteria), but never eat an egg and I'd eat marmalade toast about 0.00000000001% of the time when it lands face up.

That's how I do it.

I carry out a quick hazard analysis to calculate the risk.

Excellent risk assessment methodology - you should have it patented.

Performance Criterion - Excellent

Peformance Objectives -

First Class!

- whose eating it me, family member, dog or guest


Interesting to see the order that you have placed everyone within your risk rating (is this deliberate?).


Interesting to see the order that you have placed everyone within your risk rating (is this deliberate?).


I've not got a dog but if I did…

You drop chocolate??????????????????????

You drop chocolate?????????????????????? :whistle:

Occasionally but it never reaches the ground. ;)

Welcome to the discussion forums cazyncymru.


Thank you for the welcome Simon.

i'm finding it very interesting reading some of the stuff which people have posted (when i should be doing some work!) and not only is it interesting but its relevant to my work!

Thanks again

Caz x

Thank you for the welcome Simon.
i'm finding it very interesting reading some of the stuff which people have posted (when i should be doing some work!) and not only is it interesting but its relevant to my work!

And there's your excuse if you get caught. Research!


And there's your excuse if you get caught. Research!


Could i cite ebay as research??????????? :

Could i cite ebay as research??????????? :

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