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Inverted Sugar Syrup as an additional ingredient.

Started by , Apr 22 2013 08:15 AM
5 Replies
Good day all.
In our process for one product we include partially inverted sugar syrup, my question is simply in terms of our decalrations would we be required to do a clean of our in gredient tanks before starting a recipe which does not include the sugar syrup?
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Good day all.
In our process for one product we include partially inverted sugar syrup, my question is simply in terms of our decalrations would we be required to do a clean of our in gredient tanks before starting a recipe which does not include the sugar syrup?

yes... because your product can contaminate with invert sugar, and that can decrease your quality products...


AS Nur
Pretty much as I suspected. Thank you very much for the prompt reply, just need to convince the ivory tower mob now!

Good day all.
In our process for one product we include partially inverted sugar syrup, my question is simply in terms of our declarations would we be required to do a clean of our in gredient tanks before starting a recipe which does not include the sugar syrup?

Invert syrup is just sugar... is the next product you are running not containing sugar? How much invert syrup are you expecting to remain in the tank? I don't see the need for a clean out if the next product contains sugar and if you are just talking about residue from the prior product.
1 Thank

Invert syrup is just sugar... is the next product you are running not containing sugar? How much invert syrup are you expecting to remain in the tank? I don't see the need for a clean out if the next product contains sugar and if you are just talking about residue from the prior product.

I second that.
We dont clean between batches which include invert sugar and regular sugar.

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