GFSI certification schemes
We are FSSC 22000 certified, one of the GFSI bench marked certification schemes. Does this mean our certificate is equivalent to the other bench marked GFSI certification schemes. I mean , are we legeble to supply customers who require other schemes e.g BRC, SQf etc.
regards Joel
In theory this is the way its supposed to work, GFSI audits were supposed to lighten the load of audits a facility undertakes by making different audits benchmarked under one scheme. However we have still seen customers who prefer one scheme more than another (BRC vs. SQF vs FSSC....... ) Also some customers also still like to do their own audits as well.
So are you legible to supply customers who require other schemes?? You very well maybe, but its really up to the customer if they will except your 3rd party audit. Being under a GFSI scheme will definitely help you with that, even if the one you are currently under taking is different then the one a customer prefers.
We are FSSC 22000 certified, one of the GFSI bench marked certification schemes. Does this mean our certificate is equivalent to the other bench marked GFSI certification schemes. I mean , are we legeble to supply customers who require other schemes e.g BRC, SQf etc.
regards Joel
Dear joelchenda,
The practical result based on many threads on this forum is that yes/no to yr OP is likely based on where yr customer is located rather than the theoretically correct concept/intention that all GFSI benchmarked FSMS schemes are equivalent.
There are clearly substantial differences between the details of the various popular schemes' requirements as often discussed on this forum, regardless of their content matching the minimum requirements as prescribed by the GFSI "list".
The differences often relate to the geographical origin of the standards hence the subsequent preferences.
Rgds / Charles.C
Yes, that's the way it's supposed to work. Unfortunately, it's up to your customer to accept your certification. There certainly are some difference between the standards and depending on where you're located you'll find some customers will prefer a specific standard.