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4.13.1 HMM?

Started by , Sep 04 2015 08:58 AM
2 Replies

This is straight forward i know if for example a bar of chocolate was in a wrapper, then you would need to break that down to dispose of the wrapper and food seperatly but what if the core product contains branding or by design logos and wording like cakes, M&M's?


These if im not mistaken are branded trade marked logos usually, so therfore how do you break that down to be compliant? or am i ovber thinking this and its simply a case of destroy the item so its essentially illegible or recogniseable as the original product?

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Guess I never looked at it from the point of an M&M where the logo is physically on the edible product?  My guess would be going to your supplier and or customer and if they have any suggestions.  Not sure of would need to destroy candy for instance in seperate piles (food and packaging) but in my mind simply deface the packaing and discard unless supplier/customer has another approch.  Not much help I know



yeh, i guess that providing the disposal is within the scope of how the customer requires their product to be disposed of, then it should be ok, not that i have this issue i was meerly curious.

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