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2.5.2 Validation & Effectiveness

Started by , Feb 26 2016 08:36 PM
6 Replies

hello ,


please can someone give me an example of validation of pest control 


thank you , 

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Hi Maria,

Welcome to the forum. One way to validate the effectiveness is to perform a trend analysis. If you use an outside pest control service they should be able to provide you with trending data. If you see consistent downward trending of catches that's one way to validate that the pest control program is effective. If you do your own pest control hopefully you have documented data relating to pest catches you can create your own trending data, and again, if the data shows consistent downward trends you should be in good shape to back up your validation claims. And don't forget the verification part of your pest control program!

2 Thanks

Hi Maria,


I have corrected your quoted Title since the error was important.


AFAIK the SQF Code does not require validation of pest control (assuming this is a [SQF] PRP) although individual SQF auditors may disagree.


Such is the World of SQF.


PS - Welcome to the Forum ! :welcome:

2 Thanks

Hi Maria,
I have corrected your quoted Title since the error was important.
AFAIK the SQF Code does not require validation of pest control (assuming this is a [SQF] PRP) although individual SQF auditors may disagree.
Such is the World of SQF.
PS - Welcome to the Forum ! :welcome:

You're technically correct, but all of our auditors have required us to show that our pest control program (like our allergen control program) is effective. Not as rigorous as a CCP, but still requested by all 3 SQF auditors we've had in in our plant.
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Hi esquef,


IMO it all depends on yr interpretation of “effective” within the context of the SQF Code .


Personally I would describe yr example as (part of) a routine  "Operational"  verification (as in a Codex context which is claimed to be a SQF haccp reference source). Why SQF chose to replace the term  "verify" by "confirm"  in the quote below i have no idea.

I disagree that a PRP is less important than a CCP although i daresay many texts will agree yr comment. Houses without solid bases tend to collapse.


The semantic difficulty in this topic is that the terms Va/Ve/effective have been interpreted in so many ways. Codex (2008) attempted to clarify/resolve some of the confusion  for  the food chain  but SQF management seem to have been reluctant to implement their recommendations.


To the best of my understanding, the SQF Management instruct their auditors, Operationally, to consider  that  -


(1) The Pest Control program is a PRP.

(2) PRPs are to be audited based on this SQF website directive -

Why are PRPs not required to be validated? Instead, they are required to be verified as described in Can you provide clarification as to whether PRP’s require formal validation?


The term “validation” specifically applies to control limits and requires scientific analysis to demonstrate that control limits are effective. Based on advice from our stakeholders, we reworded the requirement for pre-requisite programs to state that the PRPs be “confirmed to ensure they achieve the required result rather” than “validated.” The intent is to clarify the intent of the Code so that the effectiveness of the PRP is being met.

(The above presumably resulted in changes ca Ver.7  to the text in section 2.5.2 )


(3) The Allergen Management Program is not a PRP. As indicated by Why not a PRP is unknown to me.


I presume the SQF training course for Practitioners discusses the above entanglements.


@Maria – as per esquef’s post, there are various attached examples of Trend Analyses on this Forum.

IMO the precise details will relate to your product/process/SOP  for the PRP which will additionally involve activities such as mapping the facility and installing appropriate controls for internal/contracted usage. There are also some examples of SOPs on this forum.

1 Thank

Thank you guys. 

Since we don't catch any mice in our tin cats, we only capture a few insects, I use the replacement of the bait in the bait stations outside to show the trends.  But those are more dependent on the season of the year.  So, for me, just showing that there are no rodents captured in the production building shows that the program is effective, since the presence of the occasional insects verifies that the tin cats work.



1 Thank

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