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Storage Freezer Cleaning

Started by , May 15 2018 08:15 PM
5 Replies

We have ice build-up in our storage freezers.

ceiling, walls, floors

We are looking at finding preventive fix but until then does anyone have effective ideas for removing ice safely and then for cleaning surfaces after?

So far we've just been offered one suggestion from a chemical company but it ended up removing the clear protectant from the floor.

The different storage rooms range from -20 to 0F.


And they are never emptied so warming the area is not a potential solution.


Thank you

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These should be on your sanitation schedule and really should be emptied and defrosted regularly (doesn't have to be often).


It sounds like you have either missing gaskets on the doors and/or your refer unit is not functioning as intended (one more reason it should be shut down)


Is this a ammonia system?

Efectivamente, las camaras o tuneles no deberian producir hielo esto es un claro indicador de falta de juntas, aparte economicamente es muy costosa mantener este tipo de fugas.



Indeed, thawing regularly. You can empty the freezer by storing your products elsewhere during the thawing operation.


And improve the situation as much as possible. I would invite several industrial freezer builders and let them do proposals to reduce the ice forming.


Please note, that icing on the ceiling is very dangerous as it can fall down. It's necessary to avoid accidents.


Kind regards,


Gerard Heerkens


And they are never emptied so warming the area is not a potential solution.


Thank you


You may not need to do it more than every 6 months or even annually. Some options since you said you don't have other cold storage.


Thaw small spaces at a time with a hair dryer.


Have a local trucking company drop a "Reefer" off at your facility for a couple days, move your products into it to keep them cold, and thaw your freezer. Move them back when done.


Get a large insulated container, pre-chill it in your freezer, and move your stuff into it, you'll have something like 6-8 hours of working time to thaw and remove ice before it gets too warm, or you can pack your stuff in there with dry ice and have as much time as you have ice.

Hi you do need to defrost your freezer it should be part of your planned preventative maintenance, no freezer will last forever without some basic maintenance and they becomes less efficient the more ice that builds up so could become an issue for the food you are storing. In the past ive always hired a trailer whilst getting them cleaned and repaired its the most expedient way to do it. I was also told it was impossible because they were always in use turns out it was just difficult and more work then anyone wanted to do!

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