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Rollercoaster Week

Started by , May 16 2004 10:54 PM
11 Replies
Didn't know where or even if to post this, but here goes…

I've had a bit of a rollercoaster week. It started last Saturday (08 May) with a virus which first floored me and then caused inflammation of the lining of my heart, it was excruciatingly painful and knowing no different I though it must be a heart attack. I'm not joking. I ended up in hospital for an ECG, blood samples and a full heart scan. Very, very scary, the consultant said they get one or two cases every week. I just needed Ibuprofen and some bed rest to get better. It was a valuable lesson and certainly brought a lot of things into perspective.

On Thursday, Michelle's ‘waters broke' and she had to go into hospital quickly. Contractions continued Thursday night, all day Friday and all day Saturday. Labour was in the final stages at about 11.00 p.m. Saturday night but the blighter was way too big and in the wrong position, so they delivered Louis by Caesarean Section at 12.41 a.m. He was 9lb 14oz. Yes I know.

My twin boys were delivered by Caesarean Section, I was there and it was OK, but this was truly horrific. There was complications because of previous scar tissue and re-growth and the fact that Louis big head was fully engaged (completely stuck). Things looked very bad for a while and Michelle was losing a lot of blood (2.5 litres in all). The 2 ½ operation turned into an emergency and the consultant had to be called to help save Michelle's and Louis lives. Thankfully he did both.

I've just returned from visiting them and they are both doing fantastically well. :D

It's been an amazing week and my lucky and thankful white knuckles can't type any more.

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Warmest regards and good rests to Michelle. Have a great time with Louis, mate!

Be Well,
Charles Chew
Congratulations to you both.

Sounds a similar situation when my nephew arrived, with my sister having the emergency C section. Not a funny situation.

Perhaps a good excuse not to be at the delivery.

The beers are on you

Keep taking the tablets
Congratulations to you and your better half Simon.
How the ****** are you going to manage the time to function as moderator of the SDF???

I've just returned from visiting them and they are both doing fantastically well.  :D

This is what we all wanted to hear from you :) CONGRATULATIONS !
Thanks everyone for the public and private kind words you have sent.


I hope that my experience will be a little less stressful - only 5 weeks to go..

Kind regards to you and your extended family


I hope that my experience will be a little less stressful - only 5 weeks to go.

I hope so too. It made me start smoking again...just cigars though.

Well its already started for me - nothing as impressive as your war wounds but I managed to break my finger yesterday.

It gets me out of the washing up though..

Well its already started for me - nothing as impressive as your war wounds but I managed to break my finger yesterday.

Which one was it?
Richard, I hope your finger gets better before the arrival in 4 1/2 weeks - I think you might just need it.

Here's a brief resume of my last 24 hours:

1. Up at 7 a.m. after approximately five hours sleep
2. Give breakfast to the boys
3. Wash and dress them
4. Make their drinks and polish their shoes
5. Take them to school
6. Wash and sterilise 6 bottles and then make them up with feed
7. Put some dark washing in
8. Hang it out
9. Put some light washing in
10. Hang it out
11. Bath baby
12. Feed baby
13. Get my haircut and buy a loaf of bread
14. Do a load of ironing
15. Have a sandwich and conk out for an hour in chair
16. Feed baby
17. Pick kids up from school early to go for hospital appointment
18. Make kids tea
19. Make our tea
20. Wash up
21. Feed baby
22. Bath kids and put them to bed
23. Iron the clothes washed today
24. Crack open a bottle of white
25. Have a cigar
26. Watch hells kitchen
27. Feed the baby
28. Go to bed 11 p.m.
29. 1.38 a.m. Feed the baby (wouldn't settle after)
30. 4 a.m. go to sleep
31. 6 a .m baby wants feeding again, Michelle did it whilst I collapsed on the sofa with my head sandwiched between two pillows
32. Back to 1.

For all of that he's worth it. I'm always here if you need to talk about anything Rich.


I know my life may be changing a small amount soon

I'm sure it will be worth it.

Thanks for your offer



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