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SQF Advanced Practitioner Test Help

Started by , Feb 08 2022 11:25 PM
2 Replies



I just took the SQF Advanced Practitioner test and failed. i just finished the course,

i am HACCP cert, FSPCA, EMP, BPC, etc trained and these questions just didnt make sense. this test was very irrelevant.


it asked a lot of question about the Pareto change and KPIs, definition that are not anywhere in the code etc. it also apparently had a time limit that i  was unaware of so i timed out. 


Does anyone have any help, advice, or references etc !!!!!


i am now terrified to take it again. 


thank you.

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You may want to check out courses/books related to "statistical process control". Such questions sound reasonable in terms of application of the standard.

Did you retake the test and pass? Where did you find the Pareto chart and KPI information?

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