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Cold Storage as a CCP for raw meat?

Started by , Apr 21 2022 09:49 PM
4 Replies

Just wondering what others thoughts are on cold storage as a CCP for slaughter.  I was always taught, by the leading HACCP consultant in the country, that it's the product temperature itself that should be a CCP.  


However, the two plants that I currently oversee have the cold storage temperature as the CCP.  To me, that doesn't correlate with the actual product temperature - you still don't know if you're packing hot product if the room is cold, if that makes sense.  


This is for beef slaughter plants that cut wholesale and retail cuts.  


Thank you!  

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Just wondering what others thoughts are on cold storage as a CCP for slaughter.  I was always taught, by the leading HACCP consultant in the country, that it's the product temperature itself that should be a CCP.  


However, the two plants that I currently oversee have the cold storage temperature as the CCP.  To me, that doesn't correlate with the actual product temperature - you still don't know if you're packing hot product if the room is cold, if that makes sense.  


This is for beef slaughter plants that cut wholesale and retail cuts.  


Thank you!  

Hi sperez,


No familiarity with slaughter processes however yr basic query (red above) is a common one for food processors.


Unfortunately there is no black and white answer since you can find reported haccp plans which, seemingly to auditors' approval, justify this stage as being associated with a risk status of any of (a) CCP, (b) PRP, or (c) No significant hazard.


How does your hazard analysis justify a CCP ? What is your (validated) Critical Limit ?

Hey Sperez,


I have a distribution warehouse that handles seafood and the FDA identified time and temperature as the only CCPs for the facility.  It is basically getting the acceptable temperature for the product to be held without moving into the "danger zone," then monitoring the temperature continuously and ensuring that there is no risk associated with it.  I know that this differs because the warehouse I am referencing does not have any of the product exposed from its primary packaging and does not do any slaughter but I have seen this identified before as a CCP.  It is not by any means a kill step but it is a control.  You should check the time it takes to get product down to the acceptable temperature and ensure that the time is not long enough for any pathogen growth.  For me the goal was to hold the product in the cold chain at the appropriate temp.  For you it will most likely be getting the product down to temp and them holding it there safely and consistently.



I would not list your cold storage as a CCP for whole muscle cuts (maybe for ground)


You obviously need to monitor the coolers/freezers, but you are correct, IF you were adding a CCP it would be for the time/temp of the product-----but that's actually part of the chilling requirements, and not storage

Just wondering what others thoughts are on cold storage as a CCP for slaughter.  I was always taught, by the leading HACCP consultant in the country, that it's the product temperature itself that should be a CCP.  


However, the two plants that I currently oversee have the cold storage temperature as the CCP.  To me, that doesn't correlate with the actual product temperature - you still don't know if you're packing hot product if the room is cold, if that makes sense.  


This is for beef slaughter plants that cut wholesale and retail cuts.  


Thank you!  

"Cold Storage"  = Frozen or Chilled ?


Different Process Universes. :smile:

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