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SQF Ed 9 - 2.1.3 - Customer Complaints Review

Started by , Jul 11 2022 01:40 PM
3 Replies

Hi ya!


SQF Ed 9 - 2.1.3 Complaint Management (Mandatory)


I believed we had to review complaints quarterly, however reading the code I only see verbiage on annual reviews under 2.1.2 Management Review. 


Please confirm if SQF requires quarterly or annual complaint trending & review?



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SQF requires a yearly management review of everything including complaints and of course your procedures for handling same along with the records on complant hanling and disposition.


While there is no specific monthly, quarterly, yearly complaint trending - that is done by most on a monthly or quarterly basis.


So, in other words up to you - our own system that we are having set up for us will actually include trending for complaints on a weekly basis.

1 Thank

You are correct, you should review annually during your Management Review, but your trending and analysis can be up to you to determine.


We trend ours on an annual basis, but we do a monthly analysis during our monthly Food Safety/HACCP meetings, so that we can close them out on a regular basis.  It works well for our team, and if we see trends early we can catch them and correct immediately.


Hi ya!


SQF Ed 9 - 2.1.3 Complaint Management (Mandatory)


I believed we had to review complaints quarterly, however reading the code I only see verbiage on annual reviews under 2.1.2 Management Review. 


Please confirm if SQF requires quarterly or annual complaint trending & review?



1 Thank

Thanks for the answers and clarification. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something in the code that stated quarterly trends & reviews. We have so few complaints I feel monthly reviews to close out asap is better suited for our program. 

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