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FSSC 22000 2.5.6 and 2.5.7 - Sample for aluminum can manufacturing

Started by , Nov 15 2022 07:27 PM
1 Reply

Hello everyone, 


I'm currently working on updating our current Environmental Program Monitoring, we have a solid baseline, but I wanted to further add to the program. I have experience with SQF and AIB programs and RTE products so I'm planning on adding things that are used on those that can solidify the program without overcomplicating it. 


I've never worked with manufacturing of packaging material and even less with cans for sodas. I was wondering if anyone had experience with this type of product or similar that had an example document or guide other than the FSSC provided ones. 


To repeat, we produce aluminum cans that have an oven step, and the cans are used for sodas and beverages (juices, alcohol).


Thank you all very much, 

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