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Cage free eggs

Started by , Jun 05 2023 10:37 PM
9 Replies

With California wanting only cage free eggs produced there. Can we send in products that are made without cage free eggs?

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With California wanting only cage free eggs produced there. Can we send in products that are made without cage free eggs?

Just tell um your eggs have never been in cages.   The CHICKENS may have, but never the eggs!   Lol.

Here's a thread that may help:



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Just tell um your eggs have never been in cages. The CHICKENS may have, but never the eggs! Lol.

Nothing like a great morning laugh!!!!
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My read is only the shell egg and liquid eggs (egg white type products) directly imported to CA have to be cage-free.  I can't find anything stating eggs as an ingredient in a RTE product have to be cage-free.

However, only eggs from cage-free hens can be sold in California, no matter where they are produced. That is, egg producers both inside and outside California must comply with Proposition 12 because it prohibits any business from knowingly engaging in the sale within the state of California of shell/liquid eggs, pork and veal derived from birds, pigs, or veal calves housed in a “cruel” manner contrary to Proposition 12 housing standards.



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I recently had to research about this because of dried egg whites we were using and found it difficult to understand so I emailed the department responsible and they are very quick to reply regarding any questions. 

They also gave me some useful links.






Their emails: 




Hope this helps.

Being in cage or not, is not a major problem. The real problem is antibiotics for the chicken and usage a special growth hormones. Both of these can be transferred to humans. 

Being in cage or not, is not a major problem. The real problem is antibiotics for the chicken and usage a special growth hormones. Both of these can be transferred to humans. 


That is tested at farm/grading station

Washington State seems to be following suit with California. Seeing we use a lot of eggs in our product (only an ingredient in RTE product), are we going to have a hard time purchasing eggs that aren't cage free?

It'll likely take some time for producers to fully transition especially due to the costs involved but in the coming years, depending on your state and their egg production laws, it may become more commonplace for producers to sell cage-free in order to sell in these states

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