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Laundry Practices for SQF

Started by , Dec 18 2023 07:58 PM
3 Replies

Where is it in the SQF code that talks about laundering towels used in production on Zone 1 equipment?  I am trying to request to by a washer/dryer combo and I need a leg to stand on...if this is possible for our towel needs.

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You will need to validate your laundering procedure (time and temps comparable to a cook cycle), and periodically verify the laundry equipment.  Similarly a periodic inspection of the cleaning implements themselves to ensure they aren't contributing contamination hazards of their own.



11.2.5 Cleaning and Sanitation The methods and responsibility for the effective cleaning of the food handling and processing equipment and environment and storage areas shall be documented and implemented. Consideration shall be given to:

v. Validation of the cleaning procedures for food contact surfaces (including CIP);


11.3.3 Clothing and Personal Effects Clothing worn by staff engaged in handling food shall be maintained, stored, laundered, and worn so it does not present a contamination risk to products.

Hi PQAManager,


SQF doesn’t refer to towels other than disposable paper towels for hand drying, there are requirements for cleaning/laundry of clothing, non-disposable aprons and gloves.


I guess most people these days are using disposable items other than possibly catering/retail but these is no reference to this in the SQF Food Safety Code for Foodservice either.


Without an SQF reference point, here are some points you might find useful from BRCGS Guidance:

In-house laundering carried out on the company premises must be controlled. This is likely to be via HACCP-style principles, controls and validation data, such as monitoring of the temperature and detergent, specifying items not to be washed together, overseeing drying processes and visual inspection. The laundry will also be included in the programme of internal audits.


As the towels are likely to be used on food contact surfaces, BRCGS Guidance for High-Risk and High-Care Protective Clothing may be of interest:

Laundries (both in- house and contracted) must ensure that clothing is commercially sterile following the washing and drying process. This means that any vegetative forms of micro-organisms associated with food poisoning and/or spoilage must have been removed. To achieve this, a garment should be laundered at a temperature no lower than 65°C for a minimum of 10 minutes, or laundered at a temperature no lower than 71°C for a minimum of 3 minutes, or in accordance with local regulatory requirements


Kind regards,



We use towels to wipe down trays before they are sealed. They are blue (to be easily seen if a thread gets loose). We get them from the company we use for smocks. So they are commercially laundered. We are SQF certified. 

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