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Is anyone using this?

Started by , Dec 11 2014 09:13 PM
11 Replies

News Feed >

I've been using it since installing yesterday and so far I'm finding it a mildly interesting way to keep up to date with things.

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Just tried it when I read your message.


I'll see how it works for me tomorrow when I log in.

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I looked at it once we you first mentioned it and then a few minutes ago.  My first reaction was that it was okay but probably not something I would use on a regular basis.  Today I found some interesting things in there that I liked, but it seems to have duplicates, or at least it felt that way.  So am not sure how I feel about it. 

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Yes I'm sure, it looks a mish mash at first, but then again you can see everything that happens such as new members, posts, reputation given etc. I like to monitor those, but I'm not sure about how live the feed is.  More playing around required...

I tried a couple times but posts without context throw me off.  Sure, someone got a rep point for some reason, but reading their actual post is more valuable to me.

It does have a weird stalker vibe I feel like I should like?  If we could make this GPS updates on my significant other that would be great. 

Yeah... it would be great if you could see what post they were given reputation for...  I saw I got one at 1:45ish AM today but not why.  You can see posts someone got rep for by going into their profile though so there is a way to find out.

I probably would use this; if only to find the posts I've lost!

Yeah... it would be great if you could see what post they were given reputation for...  I saw I got one at 1:45ish AM today but not why.  You can see posts someone got rep for by going into their profile though so there is a way to find out.

If you go to your profile and look on the left to your Reputation, you can see what posts were given rep points.  :sleazy:

I said that Setanta.... keep up  :silly:

Why would be--because they liked it?  Maybe you meant WHO?  :shades:

CRAZY!!! It's true what they say...You learn something new everyday.


I like that you can tag a conversation and get an email on it. I find that more useful.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll leave it on a for a while and see how it goes; at the end of the day it's not 'in your face' as you have to click to purposely go there.

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