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Pest repeller

Started by , Jul 13 2018 08:34 AM
4 Replies
I have an issue with mice that are not in my house but come to my property; I already have bait down done by a professional ; however I have purchased a sonic machine ( Pest stop pest repeller )that has an electromagnetic signal that covers the house through the wiring system ; but what exactly does that mean? How does it work? does size matter in this instance as I have a small house but this machine can cover a large house?
Any advise on these machines and how they work and if so safely will be welcome; my worry is when it says it uses the house wiring; what exactly does that mean ?
Many thanks for any help with this
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I have dealt with some of the (ultra)sonic devices used these days for Pest/Rodent. These devices do tend to repel rodents, however, in a Food Processing facility it tends to decrease efficiency over a period of time, due to rodent adaptability to sounds.

In a house setting, I dont see any issues (however, i have not tried using it).


The site that was using it , did not have any wiring issues. Wiring was used primarily for the power source.

I'm thinking that means that because the device is? plugged in, that they ultrasonic waves transfer down the wires. Just ensure you're unit has different wavelengths or patterns that are used or the mice do get used to the sound quite quickly.

At my last post, we used them in the maintenance room as the boiler was in there and it would stop functioning if the heat got too high (for safety reasons) so the overhead door had to be left open...once installed, only 1 mouse was ever found


I suggest a cat for home though! Mine at home keeps my house mouse free and she costs me less that the ultrasonic repellent


You may find you can hear a low hum on a very quiet day. If there not in your house, perhaps your better off using something like this outside 


I believe the claim with the electromagnetic (rather than ultrasonic) ones is that instead of sound they use the magnetic field that is intrinsically generated by wires carrying current, and the device  uses the wiring in the house to send pulses around that generate changing magnetic fields that upset the pests. The theory is that the device is then effective pretty much anywhere in the property that has mains wiring.

To be honest I'd be a bit sceptical as to what other devices this will affect within your home - if it's messing with the electrics enough to create a changing magnetic field of a magnitude that affects animals I'd wonder about what this does to other electronics in your house, as some things are more sensitive than others to the quality of electrical supply. I could certainly see it potentially causing e.g. hifi systems to make some odd noises! 

Depends a bit on exactly how it works though, and also on the circuit used for the mains wiring system. The nature of the power supply transformers in other electrical items you own will also be a factor in this, as there are various ways to design and build these and some are more robust than others.


I'm also doubtful as to whether the strength of field generated is actually useful. Animals are certainly potentially sensitive to high field strengths, but they don't seem that bothered by the relatively weak fields that are present in all mains electrics and I don't really see how this device is going to generate a larger field.


I can't give a definitive answer and I don't know if they will actually be effective against rodents but I'm very sceptical, and finding proper independent peer-reviewed data on them seems to be near impossible (which is so often a sign that someone is selling snake oil...). I did find this - not the most recent source though: https://digitalcommo...16&context=vpc8

The other factor to consider is perhaps: If they work that well, why aren't lots of professional pest control companies using them? If I can buy one for £10 on Amazon and it actually has a statistically measurable and useful contribution to reducing site pest count then why don't all of our pest control contractors fit them as standard as part of our service contracts? ;)


I have an issue with mice that are not in my house but come to my property; I already have bait down done by a professional ; however I have purchased a sonic machine from Adoric( Pest stop pest repeller )that has an electromagnetic signal that covers the house through the wiring system ; but what exactly does that mean? How does it work? does size matter in this instance as I have a small house but this machine can cover a large house?
Any advise on these machines and how they work and if so safely will be welcome; my worry is when it says it uses the house wiring; what exactly does that mean ?
Many thanks for any help with this


Thanks everyone!!!

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