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SQF Documents review

Started by , Mar 25 2019 01:51 PM
9 Replies

Good morning !


I had a question regarding how everyone does their annual review of documents / forms (See if they are updated, etc.).


Right now, I go through every document and write at the bottom / footer, the date the review was done, the result, my initials and the version that was reviewed. I do not have the space in my forms, so I have an extra form I fill for those. Is there a better way ? I feel like there should be. Should I turn the annual review into an internal audit where I look at every document, form and compile the information in the internal audit ? Or would a master excel sheet work ? Where the columns would be : Name of document, Version reviewed, result, Name of reviewer, Date of review, and extra columns if there is any non-compliances ?


Sorry if that makes little to no sense, english isn't my main language. 


Also, just out of curiosity, how do you name your documents ? I have like P-01 - XXX for a procedure, S-01 - XXX for specifications and so on. I am looking into possibily upgrading our naming system in 2019.


Thank you all for your help ! :)


- Julie

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Julie You need a master list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I like my docs as clean as possible, version #, current date and previous date ONLY


The master change log allows you to also mark why docs have been changed  see attached  (heavily edited of course)

Attached Files

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We use a master excel database to maintain our current list of SOPs and our controlled doc revision log.


Index lists SOP ID, Title, last revision date. Controlled revision log lists the sop ID, date of revision, and changes made. 


All old/obsolete sops are then archived (both digitally and paper copies) and the new version has the current revision date at the top of the document. Our "annual review" then happens independently for each document within at least 1 year of the last revision or as needed. 


You could do a full annual review/audit of all of your documents, though in my opinion it would be pretty cumbersome. Also given that documents and policies should be "live" and subject to change throughout the year when updates occur, it might be overkill. 


Check out some of the previous threads on this topic as well for ideas:





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Thanks Scampi !


I do have something like that for the Change Log, but I could change it some to include the previous version and date so I could remove them from my documents... That could help with cleaning up my forms a bit and only have dates and versions in one location instead of 2 to 3 where a mistake could be done...


Thanks again :)

Thanks Rennie !


I will check those for sure !


I do an annual review of all documents at the same time and it is cumbersome... I am trying to find a way to change it and make it easier to do.. You might have given me an idea for next year. :)


Thanks again !

Yes, you absolutely could do that, then you would just have a version # on the docs being used


For annual review, i find it best to break it down across the year. So let's say your reviewing element 2.2 of SQF, you would have a review sheet for that element that lists all of associated docs (policies, records, SOPS etc)  You can then just write down which ones you looked at there and only there for reassessment purposes

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All of our SQF clients have their documentation system set up in code sequence with the code right on the upper right or left corner and 1 master index list that shows every document name, with columns for review, edit, what was edited, dates, sign off and a master review document with lines for each person participating to sign and date. Works good.

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I also use the index as everyone is saying.  I do my document review as part of my internal audit process.  I have my index broken down by 'program' or 'system element' (or whatever vernacular you prefer) so that when I audit it, I also review each document.  I spread that out over the course of the year.

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Thanks everyone ! 


I'll work on my masterlist to be a bit better than the one we have right now, should help clear up some time trying to review everything at once :)

We maintain our revision history in the hidden text of Word documents and in a separate tab in Excel documents.  This way the revision history remains with the document.

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