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Frequency of cleaning

Started by , Oct 02 2020 01:45 PM
9 Replies

Good morning, I will start with a simple question as I have began doubting myself more and more in my current job and need advice. I work in the baked goods industry and use pans all day to make cakes. Production is not allowed to wash pans and they scoop out any leftover product manually. They might wash some of them once a week or less. These pans dont look good and when they eventually need an allergen changeover, they dont pass the inspection because they already had excessive caked on product all over. It has been impossible to explain that they must be completely clean to pass but am getting alot of pushback to let them go. Please advice

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How about having dedicated pans for each allergen or group of allergens?

We do, but they eventually need to go through the changeover due to increase in other productions.

Did you involve upper Management in this conflict? This situation might have unpleasant consequences in case of complaints about allergic reaction - try to explain your Management what they may lose due to stubbornness of their personnel or whatever.

Did you involve upper Management in this conflict? This situation might have unpleasant consequences in case of complaints about allergic reaction - try to explain your Management what they may lose due to stubbornness of their personnel or whatever.

Unfortunately the pushback is from senior and executive management.

Production is not allowed to wash pans and they scoop out any leftover product manually. They might wash some of them once a week or less."


Sanitation and not production should be washing the pans daily.


Tell your owners they are setting themselves up for a major fall on something so basic!

Production is not allowed to wash pans and they scoop out any leftover product manually. They might wash some of them once a week or less."

Sanitation and not production should be washing the pans daily.

Tell your owners they are setting themselves up for a major fall on something so basic!

Yes that is the battle and the sad part is sanitation follows the orders since the least they can do the better. I of course did not let these pans go but it was such a fight that i was doubting myself at the end so I appreciate for any replies.

Well, as it was suggested previously when discussing similar topics - file a detailed report explaining a situation, including regulatory requirements regarding allergen contamination/cross-contamination, your communication with all related staff, possible consequences and other information you consider necessary. Then get back to seniors with this report to discuss and sign off. It wouldn't prevent allergen-related problems or so, but at least you'll have a proof that you've done everything you could.

Do senior management not understand the serious risks involved in allergen cross-contamination?

You can potentially kill people.


As Glenn stated, something this basic should be a no brainer.



Thanks everyone for your input. I do have a backup plan to document everything if it comes to it (and most likely quit). The main issue was that the inspection is considered ‘too strict’. That the pans started out in bad condition already cannot alter the inspection. At the end of the day, clean is clean. Thanks again

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