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Equivalent salmonella testing for ISO 17025 certified labs

Started by , Aug 10 2021 06:58 PM
2 Replies

Hello, I just noticed on our present micro results that the salmonella testing is method AOAC 2016.01 and our customer spec says Rapidcheck/AOAC RI 030301. The units say 750g so I was assuming it requires 750g so I sent 1200 grams (roughly 6 bags of our product) to the 3rd party lab and they emailed me asking why I sent so much and why the testing change? They said they are unable to do the customer spec test. I have just started to take over the testing program from the owner and want to rectify this if it needs to be. I don't want to ask the customer because I don't want to alert them until I have an idea on what is wrong or if anything actually is. I have microbiology  experience but I never learned about all the different test methods. So my basic question is, if the lab is 17025 certified does it matter what testing method they used? They also have this test for another product for salmonella PCR AOAC RI#010803 and this is also written on their 3rd product Rapid Check/AOAC. I'm a little confused. I did read a little about different amounts of sample for some salmonella tests and I'm just trying to learn a bit more about this. Thank you.


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normally the same, however I would eat the humble pie (considering that you just took over this should be an easy one) and contact the customer and ask them if this is acceptable to them. 



I just noticed on our present micro results that the salmonella testing is method AOAC 2016.01 and our customer spec says Rapidcheck/AOAC RI 030301. The units say 750g so I was assuming it requires 750g so I sent 1200 grams(roughly 6 bags of our product) to the 3rd party lab and they emailed me asking why I sent so much and why the testing change? They said they are unable to do the customer spec test.


I have just started to take over the testing program from the owner and want to rectify this if it needs to be. I don't want to ask the customer because I don't want to alert them until I have an idea on what is wrong or if anything actually is. I have microbiology  experience but I never learned about all the different test methods. So my basic question is, if the lab is 17025 certified does it matter what testing method they used?


they also have this test for another product for salmonella PCR AOAC RI#010803 and this is also written on their 3rd product Rapid Check/AOAC.


I'm a little confused. I did read a little about different amounts of sample for some salmonella tests and I'm just trying to learn a bit more about this.


Thank you




If you do a little googling, you will see that the AOAC numbers refer to 3 different methodologies for detecting Salmonella.


The lab is presumably "approved" for the specific methodology which they declare to have been used.


It is recommended that when undertaking mutually agreed product purchasing contracts,the micro. analytical procedure(s) governing the relevant specification(s) be stated.

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