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X-ray - Mettler Toledo vs. Multicheck?

Started by , May 04 2024 08:51 PM
5 Replies

X-ray - mettler toledo vs. multicheck? 

Hit me with all your advantages and disadvantages with both :)

Moslty around of course: contaminant detection. What can they and can not detect (in your experience in your plants)


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Sorry only used Loma here and was it Cintex that Loma bought over a decade ago?  But to be honest I have found how easy it is to detect something is down to your product matrix and what you're trying to find.  The greater the difference between the density in the product and the potential contaminant, the easier it will be to find what you're looking for.

Only familiar with MT, so I suppose my opinion between the two would be to favor what has the most readily available/reliable service for your area?

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Well both are options.

Can I ask about the reject functions - are there different rejects for foreign objects and underweights? Currently we have a checkweigher with a whole of rejects for underweight and the x ray should replace the checkweigher as well as add protection for foreign objects. 

You can imagine right, how do we know why they got rejected? 

If it all just ends up in a big bin? 

Well both are options.

Can I ask about the reject functions - are there different rejects for foreign objects and underweights? Currently we have a checkweigher with a whole of rejects for underweight and the x ray should replace the checkweigher as well as add protection for foreign objects. 

You can imagine right, how do we know why they got rejected? 

If it all just ends up in a big bin? 


You can definitely receive more information on why rejects are removed.  Our MT units have reporting functions that define how many are rejected for FM and retain images, and how many are rejected for other reasons such as invalid input like items being too close together on the belt or downsteam equipment stopping the line.  Ours aren't tied to our checkweighers, but I would expect a combination unit to reports overs and unders.


The units we have also separate contamination rejects into one bin we can keep restricted acccess and a larger bin for the types that are OK to re-test by default.  If you wanted 3 or 4 categories of rejects going into separate containers I'm sure they could do it -- it's just a matter of choosing a different mechanism at the right time.



Let me first add that I am from AICON X-Ray GmbH.  If you are still evaluating, I would suggest check on AICON (www.aiconxray.com) as well.


Normally there should be separate reject stations for contaminant rejects and weight rejects or rejects for other quality aspects.



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