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Pest Control Standards

Started by , Sep 27 2004 02:40 PM
5 Replies

We are implementing BRC-IoP. The Pest Control agency in India is offering us some frequency. Is that optimum? Is that what is needed? I as a program manager cannot verify and have to go by the logic defined by the agency?
Is there a standard available that tells us how to arrive at an optimum frequency based on some parameters.
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Hello shivendratripathi, welcome to the forums.

Well, well, well the BRC/IoP in India. Your question arrives at a good time as we have been discussing this very subject on another thread.

See this link:


Please feel free to ask further questions if you need clarification.


Talking about pest control, could anyone please clarify a question for me as a number of people (companies) have given me two differing answers.Bait boxes internal, should there be a box either side of any entrance from the outside, from roller shutter doors dow to pedestrian sized doors?

Many thanks in advance,

Phil, I don't think there are rules anywhere about this; I would say you need to assess the risk for yourself (yeah that old chestnut again) taking into consideration the number and placement of the rest of the internal baits, what the door opens onto (road / undergrowth near by?), how often the door is opened, whether you've previously had an internal pest incident, the historical pest activity levels outside, what product you have stored and what activities you have going on inside the door.

Or in other words use a bit of commonsense.

Hope this helps.


Phil, I don't think there are rules anywhere about this; I would say you need to assess the risk for yourself (yeah that old chestnut again) taking into consideration the number and placement of the rest of the internal baits, what the door opens onto (road / undergrowth near by?), how often the door is opened, whether you've previously had an internal pest incident, the historical pest activity levels outside, what product you have stored and what activities you have going on inside the door.

Or in other words use a bit of commonsense.

Hope this helps.



Thanks Simon,

Another question to do with pests, in the section factory standards clause 5.1.5 it states that all drains shall be properly trapped. What does properly trapped intail? How are drains trapped and would it only be drains that are close to the external walls of the factory?



Another question to do with pests, in the section factory standards clause 5.1.5 it states that all drains shall be properly trapped. What does properly trapped intail? How are drains trapped and would it only be drains that are close to the external walls of the factory?


Someone called me a 'guru' the other day; obviously they got me completely wrong. Is there anyone out there (preferably a sanitary design expert) who can provide Phil and I with a succinct, technical overview of 'drain traps'?


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