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Applicable Legislation

Started by , May 28 2003 09:38 AM
9 Replies
Can anyone confirm whether the following are the latest Food Contact Statutory Instruments applicable in England:

The Materials and Articles in Contact with Food Regulations 1987 - SI No. 1523

The Plastic and Articles in Contact with Food Regulations 2002 - SI No. 3008

The Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations 1998 - SI No. 1165

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There are a number of ammendment regulations as well. There is quite a bit of information on the Food Standards Agency website at:


This gives details of all the ammendments e.g Plastic Materials and Articles in Contact with Food (Amendment) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2002 and cross references the various EU directives and statutory instruments.
Hi Ken and welcome to the forum.

Thanks for that. On the Food Standards Agency page I found a link to a really useful website Webpack, which is the European Commission Food Contact Materials Resource Centre. I wasn't aware of this website previously and it provides a lot of useful information including a regularly updated document containing the full reference list of the European and National legislation regarding materials and articles in contact with food.

Dear Simon,
Delighted about the amount of updated information one can on this web.
Unfortunately the two references you mentioned webpack and reference..., are not functioning . Can you please check ?
Many Tks,
Hi Moshes

I think it is only temporary, at least I hope it is. Anyway I will check it out and keep an eye on it.

Thanks for letting me know.


I think the packaging (essentials etc) has now been updated. When I get back to the office I will check, though monday is and ISO9k audit

Try the HMSO site and use the search engine. You have to wade thriugh all of the legislation but I have just identified a few updates as part of a 14001 compliance audit.


The Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations 2003 SI 2003 No 1941.

Hope that helps

Thanks Chris,

I will create a 'sticky' thread e.g. one that stays at the top of the topic area, containing all the current applicable legislation.

By the way the Webpack links are working again:


References of the European and National legislations.


Can anyone confirm whether the following are the latest Food Contact Statutory Instruments applicable in England:

The Materials and Articles in Contact with Food Regulations 1987 - SI No. 1523

The Plastic and Articles in Contact with Food Regulations 2002 - SI No. 3008

The Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations 1998 - SI No. 1165



We have dealt with the Packaging (Essential Requirements) etc

Not sure if you have had a look yourself but the following is applicable to the others

The Materials and Articles in Contact with Food (Amendment) Regulations 1994 SI 979

The Plastic and Articles in Contact with Food (Amendment) (England) (No2) Regulations 2002 SI 3008

All available for free download from the HMSO website.

Hope that helps.

Cheers Chris.

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