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HACCP Codex Principles - HELP PLEASE

Started by , Nov 24 2005 08:08 PM
6 Replies

I really need some help. I have just started working for a small company which manufactures pies. We have just had an audit and one of the issues highlighted is the fact that our current HACCP system doesnt follow the Codex principles. I am really struggling. Has anyone got a sample HACCP plan based upon these principles I could see. I have looked through all the forums already but still seem to be no further on. I have also read the guidance notes regarding the codex principles but in what way are the HACCP plans that follow these principles different from others?

I would really really appreciate any help.

Thank you
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Has anyone got a sample HACCP plan based upon these principles I could see

There are a couple of good examples of HACCP studies that follow the Codex principles in the doccuments exchange section of the forum.

I have also read the guidance notes regarding the codex principles but in what way are the HACCP plans that follow these principles different from others?

The principles laid down in Codex are what defines HACCP so To be frank, if your HACCP system does not follow the principles laid down in Codex then it isn't a HACCP system at all, it may be a perfectly valid Hazard Analysis without strictly following The 7 pricinples of HACCP laid down in Codex. However some Food Safety standards or individual customers require a system that follows the Codex principles and can therefore be described as HACCP.
Hello Chrissie,

It's difficult to say how your HACCP plan differs from the codex principles without actually seeing it. If you could tell us or better still show us what your HACCP system looks like; then it may be possible for us to provide constructive feedback so that you can align your HACCP plan with the codex principles.

Also who was the audit carried out by a Customer or Cert. Body? Are you certified (or trying to achieve) a standard such as the BRC?

Do you have a flow digram listing the CCP's and an analysis sheet with headings such as,
Process Step, Hazards, Control Measures, CP, Critical Limit, Monitoring Procedures, Corrective Action, Record, Responsible.
All of this obtained after Risk Assessments?

As MartLgn responded, all HACCP is based on the Codes guidelines, which were originally set out by the NACMCF guidelines prior. So if you have a HACCP program based on the 12 steps (7 principles) of HACCP, you're probably there or almost there. The food safety standards benchmarked by GFSI are all looking for Codex-based HACCP implementation.

Please also note that there are some PRP guidelines that ought to be in place - but again, if you follow a GFSI-accepted certification scheme, you're in good shape.


Below I'm providing a link to a great summary of the guidelines from the FAO for your review.


Hope that helps.


I really need some help. I have just started working for a small company which manufactures pies. We have just had an audit and one of the issues highlighted is the fact that our current HACCP system doesnt follow the Codex principles. I am really struggling. Has anyone got a sample HACCP plan based upon these principles I could see. I have looked through all the forums already but still seem to be no further on. I have also read the guidance notes regarding the codex principles but in what way are the HACCP plans that follow these principles different from others?

I would really really appreciate any help.

Thank you

Have you had any HACCP training? If not, I suggest you get some as it would be far more useful than a reply here. As others have said, Codex defined what HACCP is and defined the principles of HACCP; without these, it ain't HACCP!
Dear All,

Actually, Chrissie's post was in 2005 so, hopefully, she does understand a bit more by now (you never know!).

Nonetheless, it's an interesting discussion.

Rgds / Charles.C

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