Yes. Just add a column in your BRC Hazard Assessment for "Preventive Control Measures for Human Food (FSMA) Required (Process, Allergen, Sanitation, Supply Chain)".
Then you will have a "Preventive Controls Summary" like you have a HACCP Hazard Summary.
See attached screenshot of a line from our hazard analysis.
Hi Ryan,
Thks for the detailed screenshot although I'm a bit puzzled at the risk assessment scheme/entries/calculation.
Is "1" the maximum level of severity ? (Presumably not Low?)
Is "C" a medium level of Likelihood of Occurrence ? (seemingly concluded as Low)
How do you end with "4" ? (an additive scheme although 25 implies not ?)(non-linear scales ?) and what is a "significant" result ?
I also (a lot) wondered what the last (chopped) column was titled/stated ? YES ?....[to ?] 
Regardless this looks like an elegantly logical/simple add-on appproach to FSMA if it's auditorially OK. Many thanks for sharing.