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Food Safety Live 2014

Webinar recordings from the Food Safety Live 2014 online conference.

The Forgotten Food ingredient: Good Manufacturing Practices for Safely Manufacturing Food Packaging

Food packaging is globally recognized as a potential (if unintended) food ingredient, representing sources of biological, chemical and/or physical hazards. Biological risk to food safety from packaging is similar in kind but different in degree from th...

Simon | 4,047 Views

  food, safety, live, 2014

Training Employees for Engagement and Motivation

One of the hardest elements of a food safety and quality management system is being able to train production employees to follow a manufacturers food safety policies and procedures correctly on a day-to-day basis. Frequently completing tasks the right...

Simon | 4,228 Views

  food, safety, live, 2014

Back to the Basics: How To Create a Food Safety Culture?

This presentation will outline the methods employed to develop a strong food safety culture built on a solid foundation and based on the shared values and attitudes within the organization. Topics covered will include:

• Individual roles for...

Simon | 4,667 Views

  food, safety, live, 2014

Food Defence, Biovigilance & Bioterrorism

Food defence, biovigilance and bioterrorism are all issues which food business operators must be aware of and implement the necessary controls to assure its customers that their products are safe and secure at all times. Threats to the food and drink i...

Simon | 10,896 Views

  food, safety, live, 2014

Food Allergen Management For The Real World: Available Tools and Resources

This presentation comprises of a review of current allergen management resources, key points for allergen management and a look at what can go wrong.

Simon | 4,585 Views

  food, safety, live, 2014

Data Collection and Retention for Food Safety Compliance

This presentation will discuss the food safety regulatory requirements for data collection and retention. Agenda topics will include examples such as simple hand-written documents to automated electronic data capturing, recording, and retention. Also d...

Simon | 3,832 Views

  food, safety, live, 2014

Upcoming BRC Food Issue 7: What is likely to change vs. Issue 6

The BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 7 will be published in January 2015 and enforced for all audits performed after July 1st 2015. This presentation will provide an overview of the most important and most likely to happen changes compared to...

Simon | 4,378 Views

  food, safety, live, 2014

Integrating Concepts of Performance, Reliability and Science in Food Safety Management

The road to excellence in food safety management is never ending. Because of this, pioneers are demanded to be in a continuous search for effective alternatives to manage an emerging number of risks. Luckily, there is a developing body of knowledge tha...

Simon | 4,012 Views

  food, safety, live, 2014

Shifting the Audit Paradigm and Engaging Employees

Redundant audits and compliance with competing externally driven requirements stretch company resources. Why not do one audit really well with transparency, have it accepted everywhere, and engage your employees in the process. We will look at some int...

Simon | 3,580 Views

  food, safety, live, 2014

Using Audit Results to Identify Trends to Develop Food Safety Objectives

Buyers and food safety regulations are challenging their supplier’s to implement proactive methods to increase compliance and reduce risk. Data that is collected during the internal or external audits is valuable information that can be used to build s...

Simon | 4,083 Views

  food, safety, live, 2014

Determination of Control Points in HACCP

When is a CCP not a CCP? Well, when its a PRP, oPRP, CP, QCP or QSP. The requirement to determine the appropriate control measure to be deployed for a specific or general hazard under HACCP is a source of much confusion for even the most seasoned food...

Simon | 4,311 Views

  food, safety, live, 2014

Where the Heck’s My Chicken From? Understanding Raw Material Traceability

The purpose of this presentation is to educate participants on how to trace raw materials throughout their food business. Raw material traceability involves the food business understanding the source of and the journey that their raw materials have tak...

Simon | 5,740 Views

  food, safety, live, 2014