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Interested in writing for the IFSQN?

Share your original content with the IFSQN’s global readership and receive reciprocal recognition for your business on our website, in our newsletters and social media.

The International Food Safety & Quality Network welcomes ideas for original editorial content from guest writers. If you’re interested in writing for the IFSQN follow these editorial guidelines:

  • Each article needs to be 100% original and cannot have been published on other websites or print publications.
  • Authors should fully disclose any and all past and present commercial relationships to companies and people mentioned in their content.
  • The IFSQN retains exclusivity of the article for 24 hours after it runs. After that, authors can repost on their own website with attribution to the original post. Authors should obtain IFSQN consent before reposting the content on a third-party site.
  • You’re welcome to link to your own social media profiles, your own website, and other assets from your own business within your post, but IFSQN reserves the right to remove third-party affiliate lists.
  • Each article will be edited and copy edited by the IFSQN. Edits may be made to adhere with the IFSQN style guidelines. We may also edit your post for length.
  • Your submission is subject to review by the IFSQN editorial staff and does not guarantee automatic publication on IFSQN.com.
Construct a pitch:

The best guest posts are written by authors who are knowledgeable and passionate about their subject matter and who can provide readers with practical insights, take home messages and usable tools.

Think about where your existing interests and expertise overlap with our website coverage areas of food safety and quality, GFSI standards and all of the subject areas that fall under those broad umbrellas.
  • While the IFSQN editors are happy to help you refine a post idea, your pitch is more likely to be successful if it is specific and tailored to our audience of experienced professionals.
  • Craft a one or two sentence summary of your post, along with a suggested headline.
Construct your post:
  • Most of our blog posts are about 500 to 700 words long; with articles slightly longer at 1,000 to 2,500 words.
  • The most successful posts make their points quickly and clearly.
  • Include a short bio — between 35 to 75 words — at the bottom of the post. Your name, your organization and a recent accomplishment or two are great things to include.
  • We’re happy to link to your website, LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter account if you like. Just be sure to include all the necessary URLs when you turn in your post.
  • If applicable, we will add stock art to accompany your post. Feel free to submit a headshot or image, where relevant.
Promote and engage:

We encourage authors to respond to reader comments and questions about their posts. In addition the IFSQN promote your content using a variety of social networks and e-mail newsletters, but also feel free to share that link with your own network for maximum exposure.

We will coordinate a specific publication date with you and will send you a link to your post when it goes live.

Send your idea to the IFSQN publishing team.