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How to determine the significance of Pesticide Residue?

Started by , Jan 23 2020 07:02 AM
1 Reply

Hi Everyone,


Again , 


I would like to ask about severity hazard of agriculture material.  I have to mention the potential hazard of possibility pesticide residue on it.


i haven't find yet the scientific based that mention pesticide residue may harm to human body or not.


Could you share where i should found about it severity so i can determine the significant hazard on my HACCP Plan.


Thank you  ^^

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The potential risk of pesticides is potentially a complex question, as they don't all have the same effect at the same dose etc.

I'm most familiar with the EU position where the maximum residue limits are set such that they effectively allow a considerable safety margin assuming reasonable levels of consumption, so exceeding the residue limit would be a "regulatory" hazard in that it renders the food unable to be lawfully sold, but it could still be safe in a purely food-safety sense.

I don't know if something similar exists from the Indonesian authorities, but the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) publishes details of all of their risk assessments. If you do a web search for EFSA and the name of the pesticide that you're interested in (e.g. EFSA cardendazim) then you'll be able to find the relevant assessment documents, all of which are free to access.

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