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Preventing Backflow Pressure

Started by , Jul 25 2023 02:06 PM
2 Replies

At our hoses there is a release of pressure from the back flow and there are spurts of water that come out periodically.  We need the production to be dry and we have been zip tying a plastic cup to keep the water from squirting up.  This is a temporary repair and we need a permanent solution.  Any suggestions?

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You really shouldn't have any back flow---that is a problem


Back flow preventers 

Lower the pressure on the system

physical shut off on the main line

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At our hoses there is a release of pressure from the back flow and there are spurts of water that come out periodically.  We need the production to be dry and we have been zip tying a plastic cup to keep the water from squirting up.  This is a temporary repair and we need a permanent solution.  Any suggestions?


Some more details on which hoses this is happening to might help.  Is it a terminal line like a cleanup hose, or in-between two pieces of equipment?


Lower pressure is my guess, or surge tanks with a bladder to mediate the rebounding pressure.  I've seen water lines shake and bounce in response to small pockets of air getting super-pressurized and rebounding against each other when a large valve gets opened or closed further down the line.  The fluid of the air pockets is much more compressable than the water, and they will "wobble" back and forth equalizing pressure when the rate of flow changes and they're suddenly trapped.

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