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Pc ‘tune-up’ Tips

Started by , Nov 29 2004 10:49 AM
2 Replies
Over the last few weeks my PC has been running sluggishly, so over the weekend I did a few bits of maintenance. Below are some of the things I did. My PC is Windows XP so please bear this in mind.

First carry out a performance test of your PC at http://www.pcpitstop.com and follow their recommendations for a tune up.


1. Get critical updates for windows XP e.g. service pack 2
(control panel > windows update)

2. Remove any unwanted / unused programs.
(control panel > add or remove programs)

3. Check your hard drive for errors.
(My Computer > right click on c: drive > properties > tools)

4. Perform a disc cleanup.
(All programs > accessories > system tools)

5. Defragment your hard drive.
(All programs > accessories > system tools)

6. Remove unwanted spyware / adware e.g. the rubbish you pick up when surfing the internet.
(download free spyware / adware remover http://www.safer-net...oad/index.html)

7. Clean your registry
(download free registry cleaner http://www.majorgeek...d.php?det=2048)

8. Reboot your PC

9. Test your PC again at http://www.pcpitstop.com.

The above maintenance is easy to do in a couple of hours and importantly all of the tips are quite safe. It's well worth doing every couple of months to keep your PC's purring like a kitten.

Feel free to add your tips.

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I have learned (By many tough lessons) to maintain my home PC and laptop almost every other day.

Firewall, Virus detector, spyware detector, windows cleaner and a decent defrager are essential to a healthy PC.
Here's a list of the programs I use, they seem to work for me (Touch wood).

I now use Firfox as my primary web browser, It's just way more secure.

1. Sygate firewall (FREE)
2. Spybot S & D (FREE)
3. Spyware blaster (FREE)
4. AVG virus detector (FREE)
5. CCleaner (FREE)
6. HijackThis (FREE)
7. CWshredder (FREE)
8. Regseeker (FREE)
9. StartupList (FREE)

I have learned (By many tough lessons) to maintain my home PC and laptop almost every other day.
Firewall, Virus detector, spyware detector, windows cleaner and a decent defrager are essential to a healthy PC.

Thank you very much Wallace. I totally agree with you and have tried many of the SW's in your list with excellent performances

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