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Internal Auditor Training Package

Started by , Oct 31 2014 03:35 AM
7 Replies


I am chasing an Internal Auditor Training Package to train selected production operators to undertake basic GMP audits.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!


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Hi Jan


SAI are fantastic - we use them for most of our courses. RTO.


I should have been a bit clearer.. looking for an internal training package to deliver internally by myself on site. 


I created my own, and to really be effective I would suggest that you do the same. After taking Internal Auditor training through NSF, I at looked at what I thought was prudent for our internal audit team to understand before performing an audit, and what I wanted our team to keep in mind when doing GMP inspections or paper trail audits. Below are some of the topics that I covered:


-A bit of food safety history (Significant events in food history that defined why we do some of the things we do.. especially as far as GMPs)

-Traits of an effective auditor (Organized, self motivated, attention to detail, IMPARTIAL, etc...) and likewise ineffective auditors ("Know-it-alls", condescending, focuses on insignificant issues, biased, etc...)

-The importance of multidisciplinary teams

-The difference between audits and inspections

-Types of audits (Regulatory, customer, internal, third party...)

-Why internal audits/ inspections are important (preventative actions)

-Define "Food Safety" - To help identify true findings / NCs

-GMPs, what they are and how they control food safety risks (This is where I'd cover your company specific GMP policy, or audit form)

-NCs and Conformances , the difference, and the importance of being objective, and having common sense

-Proper documentation and SMART writing "Specific, Meaningful, Appropriate, Relevant, and Timely"


I also created some exercises to go along with the training to keep the team awake and involved. 

I hope this helps or at least points you in the right direction!

1 Like1 Thank

Or you can use this...

DOC075.pdf   272.47KB   243 downloads

1 Like6 Thanks

Its nice, Can you share PPT of the same dear RG3

Agree - the content looks excellent, but is quite blurred and difficult to read.  I would definitely use this with my team.

Dear RG3,


Thks for the excellent summary.


My own internal credo when doing / receiving audits -


Hope for the Best but Prepare for the Worst.


Rgds / Charles.C

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