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Internal Audits in SQF 9.0

Started by , Sep 15 2022 07:34 PM
3 Replies

Trying to break down my internal audits between departments (sr. management, sales, purchasing, HR, etc.) Does anyone have a an example of how yours is arranged with current 9.0 Edition they would be willing to share! ? 

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Hi claxtonp,


I schedule Internal Audits to cover each section of the SQF Food Safety Code. This includes GMP procedures.


I also schedule inspections by area based on risk, this includes compliance with GMP procedures.


See attached example where there are 6 auditors in the matrix:


Audit and Inspection Scheduling.jpg   143.53KB   1 downloads


Kind regards,




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We've downloaded the SQF Audit Checklist and added some columns of our own to go with our own needs such as: two evidence based columns, a column for Corrective Actions, a column to link to the written corrective action, a column for who is responsible, and a column for due date.  We spread ours out over an entire year, with various sections being "due" each quarter.  This helps us complete it all within 1 year, plus you can filter for your "department" and know what is due when.

We also utilize the SQF audit checklist.  Break it down per section of the code and have one or two audited a month to eventually make sure the whole system is covered in a year.

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