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Vendor compliance tracking software

Started by , Jul 09 2013 04:30 PM
3 Replies

Hi all. I am attempting to find a software program that can affectively track and monitor my vendor's compliance. I am responsible for tracking organic certification and food safety (GAP/GHP) certifications. Currently this is done manually and requires a full time employee to monitor for our 500+ fresh produce vendors.


I would like the software to be able to alert me when certifications have expired or need to be updated and store documents such as certificates, insurance forms, etc. Auto generated vendor requests would be a plus as well.


Has anyone had good experiences with any systems out there? ICIX, Azzule, Ecert, Qualtrax, others?


I appreciate any advice, experiences, or suggestions.

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Wow... you have a very complex supplier program.

I am using Safefood 360 to manage my FSQMS and it has the capabilities to do exactly what you are asking and a whole lot more. (I'm not 100% sure about auto generated vendor request, it will send e-mails to anyone you want when something is due, so that may be what you need?)

Contact Philip Gillen at philip@safefood360.com and tell him Phil in Orlando suggested the program.


There are multiple software solutions out there.  We use TraceGains and have had very good sucess with them.



1 Thank

There is another called sedex. http://www.sedexglobal.com/    Has a bunch of questions regarding ethics and enviornmental impact on top of the standard questions in their supplier survey.

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