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Foreign objects in the Food industry. Are we living in a world that’s controlled by suppliers ?

Posted by Pava, 19 June 2019 · 8,046 views

#Suppliers #Suppliercontrol

Majority of the industries face the issue of Foreign objects in their products and the primary source of these objects are through raw materials that comes from Suppliers both Manufacturers as well as Traders.


Manufacturers take immense measures to reduce the amount of Foreign objects in their products through various food safety standards and local regulations. However Traders face an uphill task of reducing these objects as they are mostly unaware of the Foreign objects as well as due to the repacking carried out by traders to enhance the market value of the products or to portray the products as local made.


Manufacturers that have a strong hold on their suppliers have a strong upper hand in reducing the number of instances rather than those that doesn’t have a strong supplier programs in place. On the other hand catering industries also face an uphill task of controlling the suppliers as the products from suppliers are directly sent to the consumers/customers rather than a complete processed product in house.
In todays world supplier control will play a major role in reducing or eliminating the Foreign objects in the Food industries.


Can we see manufacturers enhancing their supplier programs in order to reduce the foreign object issues ?

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