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What you need to know about pest management and sanitation

Next Live Training: None scheduled
Purchase the previous training recording (with 30 day access) to experience the full 4-hour training session along with the presentation slides, templates, and certificate of attendance.
Instructor: Chelle Hartzer, BCE, PCQI, Consulting Entomologist, 360 Pest and Food Safety Consulting
Facilitator: Simon Timperley, Administrator, IFSQN
Cost per attendee: $97.00 USD
Training Course Outline:
You may have an in-house team that handles pest control or you may hire a thrid-party company to perform those services. Either way, you need to know how those programs work so they can be implemented effectively. This course will cover the basics of pest management plans, the key elements that need to be in place, and how they are being put into action.
You will learn about how to inspect for pests and what the inspections should look for. It will also discuss monitoring programs, the monitoring devices, and how to use the data that is collected to make educated pest management decisions based on pest thresholds. The most effective plan focuses on prevention and we will cover the steps you can take to avoid having pests become established at your site.
Whether you are performing pest control duties at your site or overseeing the team that does, you need to know the best way to build and execute a highly effective pest management plan to protect your site, your product, and your reputation.
All attendees receive:
- Copy of the training material (PDF)
- Personalized IFSQN Training Academy Certificate awarded on successful completion of the course and end test
- 30 day access to the webinar recording
1. Introduction to IPM
2. Sanitation basics
3. Monitoring and sanitation
4. Exclusion and sanitation
5. Corrective actions
6. Real-world examples (group problem solving)
7. Audit and federal guidelines
8. Online test consisting of 30 multiple choice questions covering the topics
List of topics covered:
- Integrated Pest Management
- Inspections/Audits
- Major pests
- Audit requirements
- Monitoring
- Exclusion
- Treatments
- Pest sighting logs
- Sanitation
- Paperwork necessary
- Thresholds
- Corrective actions
- Documentation
- Communication with Pest Management vendor
- Roles and responsibilities for pest management
- Making plan changes